So, thanks to
corrielle bringing it up, I've spent this evening reading Kirk/McCoy fanfic.
I haven't actually talked about Trek much, even though I did think the movie rocked all kinds of awesome. I haven't gotten to see it again (because I'm poor and don't think seeing the movie repeatedly is good for that) but I really did like it.
So, coming out of it, when it came to shipping obviously Spock/Uhura was first on my mind because it was all kinds of cute and I liked that addition to the Star Trek world. And yet, nothing really possessed me to go look for fic on the subject (though bits have shown up on my f-list and I've read them).
But after that, Kirk/McCoy pinged off my slash radar, and I don't have all that sensitive slash radar. Kirk/Spock, totally didn't ping it, but K/M have a great buddy dynamic that my slash radar is particularly sensitive to. Still the fact that they are the first pairing I have actively read any fic for is pretty surprising.
Thing is TOS isn't, and will never be, *my* Trek. I've only seen a scattering of episodes and the movies, and some of those I barely remember so I have no comment on what I feel about the characters in TOS, for me that crew is already at least equally represented by the new versions as they were by the old.
In spite of the fact that I'm that way about TOS, I'm a little sad that it looks like for a lot of people this is the first dose of Star Trek they've gotten, because Star Trek is about more than pretty people in a two hour movie. But then I'll take TV over movies at most anything, it's just the style of storytelling I prefer.