Title: Liberation
Author: Sinter Klaas
Gift for: TheHowlingWolf
Rating: G
Pairing: Qui-Gon/Shmi
Summary: "I'm not here to free slaves." Still, Qui-Gon wanted the boy - and his mother - to go free. Why? Well, maybe part of him was attached. Against the Jedi Code- but since when had Qui-Gon ever followed the book? The story behind the understanding between Qui-Gon and Shmi, the one that would grant Anakin his freedom.
Disclaimer: Star Wars is copyrighted to George Lucas and Lucasflim, Ltd. I'm just playing on his playground.
Warnings: None.
Author’s Notes: This is supposed to take place during Phantom Menace, but it doesn't follow the movie religiously.
Tattooine is almost bearable in the evening. After the dual suns dip below the horizon, Qui-Gon can almost feel a tremendous difference: his robes are not as stuffy, his face not beading with sweat. But no matter, he'd be leaving soon. Tomorrow, if he could swing luck the right way. It was not a matter if he could do it; he most certainly could. The problem was making sure Watto didn't notice the slight casting of his hand. Toydarians could be tricky.
Moments before, he had been talking to Obi-Wan about the boy living in this sand hut he, Jar-Jar and Padmé had been offered refuge in from that afternoon's sandstorm. He showed amazing talent for understanding machinery and The Force radiated from him like nothing Qui-Gon had ever felt before, and he had been born into this life of Jedi combat.
"I know it isn't much to look at," he hears behind him and he turns slightly, almost a silent invite for the woman to join him on the balcony. Qui-Gon takes in a deep breath of the night air, exhaling and shaking his head. "I seem to find many things to look at on this planet," he reassures, staring too long at the female beside him.
His inner voice wins, finally, scolding him for being so interested in another human being instead of his life's work. Again, he settled on the waves of sand, sifting in the dusk wind.
Anakin is finishing up his Podracer for tomorrow's race, with the help of Padmé, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Jar-Jar. They had been working on it all afternoon and evening, save the brief break for dinner. The boy is also determined. He likes that.
After learning earlier the boy had no father to speak of, Qui-Gon had begun tossing ideas around in his brain of how the Chosen One the prophecies spoke of, if that who Anakin indeed was, was born to a slave woman living in the Outer Rim.
"He's always out here working on the pod when he isn't inside working on that droid of his," Shmi says to the male, trying to make pleasant conversation. Her son seems to interest the Jedi, so she might as well tell him everything of importance, no matter how small.
Qui-Gon nods, caressing his slight beard with his fingers. "Has he always been so interested in machinery?"
"Yes," she says gently. "It's made him a valuable asset to Watto. There aren't many people around here that know a lick about the subject."
This makes Qui-Gon start to think. He stares at the last of the suns sinking beyond the horizon, listens to Anakin and Padmé talk and laugh as they help Jar-Jar install one of the last parts into the Podracer, and feels Shmi shift subtlety beside him.
"I want you to come with me... us," he says so quietly even Shmi almost swears it's the wind. "I'm willing to gamble for you, and Anakin."
Shmi looks over to Qui-Gon with wide eyes, as if he had spoken in tongues. "I appreciate the thought... but... Watto won't give us both up, and he'd see me gone before he lost Ani."
He smirks. "You don't play a game of chance with a Jedi. I'm still going to gamble one way or another with Watto. Why not raise the stakes?"
Shmi is quiet, looking to her son and his friends. He is always so happy despite being a slave his entire life. As his mother, she wants the world for him. And this man has come to offer it to him. But as his mother, she also wants to keep him with her. He is all she's ever had in terms of a family.
Still, as his mother, she knows this is the key to his future. This was meant to happen. This was bigger than anything she could ever offer him.
"Promise me you will take Anakin away from here. This is not the life he needs to lead," Shmi says quietly, finally conceding. The elder Jedi cannot help but wonder if the female's been a slave her whole life. But it's enough that she wants her son to enjoy freedom now that it is within his grasp.
Qui-Gon would not let her down.
"I promise," he says, blue eyes staring intently at her again. Shmi says nothing more, just leans against the taller male's shoulder. It's the first time she feels connection to a human being other than her own kin, and he makes her feel safe.
And Qui-Gon reaches over to put a calloused hand upon her own.
Under Tattooine's triplet moons, he is not a Jedi and she is not a slave. They are two kindred spirits, hearts reaching and grabbing for the other's. She loves him for being her son's saviour, for being a guiding light in the darkest hour. And he loves her for her strength, her serenity shining in her face even after years of labour.
The next day, as Anakin packs his things to leave, Qui-Gon finds himself with Shmi for a final time.
"You'll take care of him?"
He nods. "Of course. He'll be trained to be a Jedi and join us among our ranks. We will make sure he lives a full life."
Shmi smiles a grateful smile, though her eyes are shining with tears. "Thank you."
Without warning, she leans up and presses the chastest of kisses to the Jedi's lips, and he instinctively kisses back. It lasts a split-second, and later Qui-Gon will wonder if the heat had gotten to him and he imagined it.
She leaves him standing there looking a bit dazed as she bends down to hug her son, now all packed and ready to go. After a long goodbye, Shmi finally tells Anakin to "go and to not look back."
Anakin does as he's told.
Qui-Gon, however, cannot help but glance back at her. She smiles, he smiles, and forever they hold an understanding.