Oct 15, 2009 20:36
Hello Everyone:
I was hoping to get about 15 people to express interest in participating in the exchange this year. I believe I heard from about 13. I'm going to open up the official enrollment post tonight and see how many people commit to writing this year.
I will close the sign up period on Friday, October 30th. The writing assignments will be sent out over the weekend of Oct 31/Nov 1, if we get enough people to run the exchange. If we do not have enough people sign up, I will post an update to the comm to let everyone know the exchange will not be run this year.
So, here are the Official Rules:
1. Each person participating must make at least five (5) requests on what they would be willing to write and on what they would be willing to receive.
2. Of those five (5) requests, three (3) should be pairings, either het or slash. The other two (2) requests are requests for GEN fics centered around a particular character. You would request the character you would like to write for, or receive a story about.
3. Please make all requests in order of preference. As this is a comm that began as an exchange for fics featuring a pairing, the pairings must be listed first, followed by the requests for gen fics.
4. As with prior years, each participant will need to specify what they are willing or not willing to write or receive with respect to content (ie, no NC-17 or no slash, and particular kinks you won’t write or don't wish to receive, etc).
5. Pairings will take precedence in making the assignments. When an assignment to a pairing is not possible, an assignment will be made to a gen fic.
6. This year the pool of characters to write about will expand to include any character from the six live action films and characters from The Clone Wars cartoon series. However, like last year, this comm will not accept fic requests that feature an underage Ahsoka in a romantic pairing, she may be requested only with respect to a gen fic request. PLEASE NOTE: I do not watch The Clone Wars series so if you request a fic featuring a character exclusive to that series you will need to tell me about the character, i.e, is it a clone, male/female, anything else relevant, etc.
7. Please keep in mind that opening up the pool of characters to requests, especially if we have a limited sign up commitment, can make the assignments very difficult to match up to your top choices. Please remember that when making your requests.
8. All fics must be at least 1,000 words in length, with no upper limit.
9. The moderator holds the right to edit fics for readability and authors will be notified in advance of any changes that may be made. The moderator also reserves the right to return any gift for any noncompliance.
10. You may not choose who you complete a gift for. The moderator will email you with your assignment.
11. In order to maintain the spirit of the “Secret Santa” theme, please do not post your fic anywhere else on the Internet until after the names have been revealed.
I am going to be screening comments to this post. If you are interested in participating this year, please respond in the following format:
Requested Writing Assignments:
Pairing Preference 1:
Pairing Preference 2:
Pairing Preference 3:
Gen Fic Preference 1:
Gen Fic Preference 2:
Requested Gift Assignments:
Pairing Preference 1:
Pairing Preference 2:
Pairing Preference 3:
Gen Fic Preference 1:
Gen Fic Preference 2:
Email Address:
Also, if you have not already done so, please JOIN the comm so you will see updates on your F-list.
EDIT: Ok, this having to unscreen comments before I can respond to them is a pain in the BUTT when I have to remember to rescreen everything so that the requests remain a secret. Therefore, I'm going to ask that everyone please EMAIL ME DIRECTLY with your fic request/writing preferences.
Please send the information to me at gizzi1213@yahoo.com. Please put Jedi Mistletoe in the subject line so I don't miss it!!!
sign up post