Weinhard's, eggs and cheese, and WHY the heck am I awake right now?

Oct 09, 2005 14:05

*Typed yesterday morning*

Ok, first of all, why the heck am I awake right now? I mean, the fact that I'm awake at 9:00am isn't truely that bad, but the fact that I've been up for 2 hours, now that's unreasonable. I came on and did surfing earlier, but wasn't up to typing yet. So I didn't. In the last two hours I have internet surfed, listened to a soundtrack, made myself eggs and cheese, I'm drinking a Weinhard's Vanilla Cream, and watching "You've Got Mail."

Not very impressive is it? The eggs were good though! And I don't think that I went to bed until 2:00am. It might have been 1:30...but I think it was two. After hanging out with Richard (more on that in a minute) we came home and finished the Phantom. We even watched a bunch of the special features! I think I'm addicted. May have to buy the movie. I mean, if I wasn't watching another movie right now I'd probably be listening to the sound track!

Last night was a blast! It was a small group, just Richard, 3 teens, Bethie, and myself. The kids were great, Richard was a ton of fun, and a good time was had by all. The evening started with a 20 minute discussion on the the books of 1 & 2 John and then progressed to some hysterical games! We played Catch Phrase and then Charades. We were in stitches most of the time. Bethie and I often made each other guess the answer based on some obscure reference that no one else could possibly get but we both knew instantly. Oh yes, and during the study time the word phantom was used briefly and we both looked at each other and tried not to laugh. During Catch phrase I had to laugh at Richard's arrogance. We played 4 or 5 games of Catch Phrase and over and over again he would say one phrase or sentance and then just start to hand off the card holder. What arrogance! He knew he'd set it up so you couldn't possibly miss the word. In fact, he'd get a bit irritated (in a good, not bad way) if you didn't get it the first time!

We were sitting around on a conglomerate of chairs or the floor. One of our "chairs" was the rocking foot stool for a rocking chair. We kept falling off of that with laughter! Most of us fell of it at one point, or dived off of it, but that was Richard. One of the girls was hysterical in the way she tried to discribe things, first in Catch Phrase, and then for Charades. For catch phrase she could hardly ever think of anything to say and would use the same type of guestures to try and pantomine what she was saying. Then, with Charades, she couldn't keep from using words! We just died laughing the whole time through.

Oh yes, we got there and were all waiting in front of the church for Doug to come and onlock it for us. Catching up, meeting one of the girls and her mother, good stuff right? Well Doug, the pastor, pulls up. I've never met him before, but I know of him from several various sources. He pulls up and says, "Which one of you is Ruthie?" I raised my hand and we proceded to talk about Ralph, Angie, and my parents. It was great!

Later, while we were inbetween playing games, Nate looked at me and asked, "So your from Crossroads right?"
"have you ever met this guy with a long read beard..."
I started laughing so hard!
"Yeah, that's my Dad!"
"I thought so, you look kinda like him."

Now that's not one I get very often. I mean, yes, I do look like both my parents and I'm the only of us kids who really does look quite like both, but I still don't get told that very often. I was greatly amused by it. Can't wait to get home and talk to my parents about it.

After the kids all left, we'd cleaned up the church, Doug had locked up and gone home, we stood around outside and discussed a million random things. Bethie quized him on there church since she's looking for a new one. We discussed faith, where our lives are headed, and various racial commentary. And about a million other topics. We talked for an hour and a half. Oh my gosh my legs hurt so bad by the time we left! Horse back riding is good, but hard on the legs.

Did I mention Peter told me we could move donw here if it involved getting to know Richard better? Richard was trying to convince me that it would be a great place for Peter and I to live! It would actually be perfect for Peter in many was, and probably good for me too since I love the sun, but I don't think it's going to happen. At least, not unless I find a good college down here! ;-)
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