For this week's challenge, your icons must be either black-and-white or monochrome.
# Your icon must feature a Jedi character. Non-Jedi can be in it, but the Jedi must be the focus.
# Fallen Jedi characters must be iconed from when they were still Jedi. (e.g., you can make a Jedi!Anakin icon, but not a yellow-eyed Sith!Anakin icon.) Dark Jedi are not allowed.
# You may submit up to 3 icons.
# Icons must be made new for this contest, and cannot be crossposted to other challenges. Do not display the icons publicly until the challenge is over.
# All icons must fit LJ standards (no more than 100x100 pixels and 40kb; .jpg, .gif, or .png)
Enter your icons with a screened comment to this post. Your submission should look like this:
http://iconurl.jpgJedi: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Series/Era: A New Hope, Rebellion era
Please submit your icons by midnight on Sunday, January 16th, relative to your time zone. Voting will be posted Monday.