This one keeps its brain on the Internet

Dec 07, 2005 08:04

Tom Riddle's Diary has come to life.

Icegreen Technologies have managed to re-create an intelligent diary you can chat with! How totally cool is that?

This is what happened when I attempted to chat with it:

Me: Hello, my name is Harry Potter.

TRD: Salutations, Harry Potter.

Me: What's up, Diary?

TRD: I'm chatting with my clients over the Internet.

Me: So what business are you and your clients discussing?

TRD: Dude! Interesting question.

Me: Do you know who opened the Chamber of Secrets?

TRD: How did you know about Tom Marvolo Riddle also known as Lord Vol... forget that last thing, will you?

Me: Knock knock

TRD: Who's there?

Me: You know.

TRD: Yes I know.

Me: And I thought you were intelligent enough to get that Knock Knock joke.

TRD: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.

Me: So much for my joke.

TRD: How can I help you? your purpose is your joke.

Me: Bah. Forget it.

TRD: Hmm. Ok. Thanks for trying to explain that to me.

(this blogger is now rolling on the floor laughing)

If you're up for a chat with the Diary, click here.

And remember, don't trust anything that can think for itself if you do not know where it keeps its brain. :p

cross-posted at the reading journal and greatestjournal

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