Dec 07, 2007 21:56

So LJ has enabled content filtering. Go LJ. In their attempt to protect our virgin eyes and ears from the evils of the internet, they have incorrectly set up their content filtering to not only block out things that we shouldn't want to see (Kiddie Porn, hate speech, etc) but anything that contains any part of words even sort of associated with those things. For example, you can't search for "spic" because it is a mean name for Mexicans. You also can't search for "SPICy food" or the "SPICe Girls" Same for "cracker", since we all know that refers to white folk. That would also include the band Cracker, saltine "crackers" and the most unholy Goldfish "Cracker" You can however still search for "crack whores" so if that is your thing, then you go!

Where, oh where, shall I meet others who wish to worship at the dark and unholy alter of the "snack who smiles back"?

Perhaps this guy will be my friend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b17z6-Cy4ok

In case you don't know the song or can't understand the words: http://www.stlyrics.com/songs/s/spongebobsquarepants9882/jingleforgoldfish324290.html
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