C's b-day

Oct 19, 2007 20:07

Today was C's birthday. He turned 6 and I really can't believe. It feels like such a short time since I posted the entry announcing his birth. I C&Ped it below, not that any of you care. But it is my journal and I care, so there :P

Things went well. We are home and learning to work together. The surgery was cake. The worst part was the spinal because I hate hate hate needles and I had to go through it by myself. They were getting my mom and Evan gowned and everything while they were doing it. I was shocked at how fast it went. They did the block and they were bringing mom and evan in just as my legs started to go numb. It was 2:00. By 2:03 they had Christopher on the warmer and were stapling me. I found out that from intial cut to birth they are under a minute and a half! I have pictures uploaded to my hard drive but I haven't had a chance to get them on the web. Hopefully I'll have some up by the weekend. My staples come out tomorrow so I'm gonna wait and see how I feel after that before I make any promises. Thanks all for your warm wishes and thoughts. Christopher was a little bruiser. He was 21 and a half inches long and weighed 8lb 10oz. He can already hold his head up for the most part and is working on rolling over!!! He tried that the first night at the hospital and scared me half to death because Evan had left him laying on the other bed while he threw away a diaper. Well, time to go. He is starting to act hungry. AGAIN! :)

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