Friday nights in the ER

Aug 11, 2007 00:58

This post was supposed to be about registering C for K and how Lizzie has been dry for 3 days.

Instead it is about spending 3 hours in the ER, Xrays and an occult elbow fracture. We went to FCC to play today because it was too hot to go to the park. C just this week decided that the monkey bars were ok to cross on his own. Previously, he wanted to be carried all the way across. He was playing on them and he fell. He landed on his elbow and started crying. He said it hurt too bad to keep playing so we came home. Put some ice on it, let him rest awhile and he seemed fine. He played and moved it and I didn't think a lot of it. There was very little swelling. As the day wore on, he complained more and more about it and moved it less and less. By 8, he wouldn't even move it to eat so we went to the ER to have it checked. After 3 hours, they finally told us they were pretty sure it was fractured, but the swelling was holding the bones in place so they can't be totally sure. They put a splint on it and gave him a sling and told us to follow up with the orthepedist (sp) on Monday to see what he says. So now we are home, he has been given Tylenol and a pillow to prop up his arm and he is happily watching cartoons.

Now I'm going to bed :)

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