The ironic thing is that the entire plight of Jacen Solo now in the infamous Betrayal can be sighted in perspective from a comment made by Mara Jade to Luke in the book Vision of the Future, where she states that using the Force like a bottomless well without listening to it's quiet wisdom, is a sure path to darkness of the self
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It doesn't fucking WORK!!!!!!!!! Look at YODA!!! Look at Qui Gon!! Look at Mara Jade, look at Obi Wan, look at Tenel Ka, look at Leia, look at Saba Sebatyn.
They don't bloody stipulate just WHAT the Force is?!!! Midiclorians? Great!! WHATEVER!!! They don't give background on the Sith order. The Sith were originally NOT evil, they were a people that were taken over by rogue Jedi, nothing else. The name became dark, I know zilch further than that.
When Jacen was brought into the Jedi Temple by Vergere when he was shut off from the Force, he "felt" something & she commented that it was a wellspring of the Dark Side then stating that it wasn't, it was simply the Force. Energy. Period.
With Jacen, yes, he was always asking questions, it doesn't make him dark, it makes him inquisitive, thoughtful and SMART!!!!!!!!! Bullshit with: "Yes sir, I shall do that sir, let me wipe your ass sir..." Having ones own mind does not make one dark, it makes one oneself.
The entire light/dark thing is simply the human mind, emotion and will. WE are one or the other (mostly a mix of sorts...), claiming we have "fallen" is, as Vergere said, giving excuses for what we've done. We have little right to do that, unless we REALLY have problems, then outside help is needed. BUT there are indeed those who simply are dark. They've shunned their light and glory in the pain of others, greed their only succor.
I'm sporadically working on my Jedi Code: Forgotten Codex piece & it's taking forever... NOT easy!!!!
(Throws hands in the air in defeat...)
I have given up on the author & Lucas because, frankly, where Jacen is concerned, they have left their intelligence behind and emotionally & intellectually raped a character of all that was his essence and truth. He is no longer what he was & so he really isn't any more. Essencially...
The Jacen in my character study & fics is "Jacen" for me & that's enough. "Traitor" is still my gospel & I'm fine with that. Anything else?
(Flips the Finger...)
It's gotta be DAMN good to raise my interest now, it's gone to hell as far as I'm concerned.
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