Aug 07, 2011 12:41
I'm still justing to being 'Doctor' I haven't got round to getting my name changed at the ank or whatever yet. I've done my corrections and will be heading uo to uni in the next few weeks to submit my final version. I'll be submitting electronically although I will get a hard bound copy made up, mainly for my parents.
My muses all went completely AWOL for about two weeks after my viva, it was horrible, it was so quiet in my head. Two of them have now returned so I am writing stories / character studies about my two federal agents James and Dan. The rest are still AWOL. It has been a very long time since the inside of my head was this quiet, I'm not sure what I can do about it, I guess the rest will show back up at some point.
My other good news is that my contract has been extended so I am employed until the end of March. This news is very good for my nerves.