Well well well, big surprise to anyone that our beloved president will now chop open our national parks for money and big company? I mean, a third? Do you have any idea how many trees that will destroy? How many animals and ecologies will be destroyed? Who cares, after all, Bush has some big business cock to suck. I hope he chokes on their spew.
And on to more goodness... Because you know, if I were a gay man who has lived with only one other man for the last several years, I'm a huge risk for disease. Nah, yet another attempt at halting the spread of the gay. I honestly wonder why homosexuals stay in this country these days, America has effectively said loudly and repeatedly, "Fuck you, we don't like you." Equal rights for all, indeed. And yes, I know there are many nations in the world that are worse, but the hypocrisy is abound. It's more like, equal rights for those with money and nevermind anyone else, what do they matter? And those gays? Well shit, our president hates them, and now he can vent his prejudice and get the rest of our fucking hypocritical nation behind him. I know there are many good souls that remember what this nation was founded for, the ideals of equality that were the basis. We have surely stumbled, but we crawl towards that ideal. We have freed the black man from chains and the slavemaster's whip, we have acknowledged women's right to vote (though admittedly there is still work to do with our feminine friends) and now it is time for our gay friends.
I am ashamed of my country right now, I can't completely blame the government for this one, because so many of our fine citizens support this treatment. WAKE UP! I hope you all have gay sons and daughters and when you get old and sick and have to rely on them, but they rightfully say fuck off because you voted to limit their rights to find legal protection for their loved ones in this great and free nation.
And a general fuck you to Randall Terry, I think by just breathing this man warrants a prison style gang rape with a porcupine.