White House press release 040001

Jan 02, 2004 19:10

Good evening,

This week we begin the new year of 2004. While it is tempting to look ahead at this new year as being dark and foreboding, what with our armed forces in harm's way and the ubiquitous threat of terrorism; I assure you that the American spirit is alive and well.

This new year arrives with the promise of growth and prosperity. The next 363 days will be filled with family events, career changes, and things that we could have never predicted.

In a few weeks, I will address the Congress with my vision for our national life. All Americans in the House chamber and watching on television that night will hear about what my Administration has done in 2003 and what we plan to do in this new year and beyond. I don't want to give away too many details now, for one thing my speech writers are still working on the exact wording of it all and my legislative staff is still discussing some of our initiatives with the congressional leaders and members of the executive departments. But I am looking forward to the chance to address our nation, and I hope you will spare some time in your busy daily life to watch.

It is my fervent hope that all Americans had a fun and safe New Years. I think it is one of the few times in our national life when we celebrate together. Our national credo E pluribus unum, meaning "from many, one," paints the portrait of our country. We are individuals. Individual cultures, individual religions, individual ethnicities, and so on. But we come together. As always, we come together. It is what our civic religion tells us to do, and we do it well. We are a nation of immigrants, and it is what makes our nation strong. The passing decades has seen this country grow, in what we look like, how we speak, and what we know. It is my resolution that we all continue to come together in 2004. Yes, we disagree at times. And these disagreements can cause a great debate. The chasm of disagreement between us all can seem overpowering at times. But, as citizens, we are brothers and sisters. And like brothers and sisters, and fathers and mothers, and sons and daughters, we are a family that fights among itself at times. But, we know when it is time to come together. When I was growing up in New Hampshire, I remember my own family having fights, whether it was my older brother finding some new way to torture me, and a disagreement with my parents. At the end of the day, we came together for the dinner meal as a family. We are a strong nation because we are a strong family.

Again, I wish a Happy 2004 to you all. Thank you for your time and God bless this country of ours.

Thank you.
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