... and that's the final nail in the coffin... [rant]

Aug 31, 2010 22:25

This will be the last post for this journal on Live journal. Please go over to my dreamwidth journal for any new updates. This journal will be largely closed except for moderator duties and being a commentard to LJ only posts.

Don't ask me to cross-post my comments, or anything else, for that matter, to twitter or facebook- you'll probably be de-friended.

Twitter: I came from a time where you have to pay $$$ for each and every 160 character message your phone sent. I do not see the rational of telling people what I'm doing in real time and in under 160 characters. (See canonical "on toilet taking dump-wish u were here" twitter posting) Hence, I don't use twitter, and I don't see any reason to start. (Sorry web 2.0 peoples, I'm kind of a crotchity old bastard in this respect.)

Face(palm)book: Until Facebook starts respecting privacy, I refuse to do anything more involved then logging in to shut off whatever privacy invading 'feature' they've opted me into and maybe updating my wall. (Hence my new name for it: 'Face(palm)book')

In short, Thanks for all the fish, and come visit me on dreamwidth under the same usertag- We use OpenID and I have a buttload of invites for the asking.
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