[ICONS] {245: 20 GIFS, 13 Text} DBSK, SHINee, NEWS, stock

Dec 31, 2008 18:33

{245 ICONS: 20 GIFS, 13 Text}
4 Stock
40 News
100 DBSK
1 Dongbangshinee
100 SHINee

HAPPY NEW YER! @ pusong_kahon

To the 145 people who are listed in Also Friends Of: in my userinfo. I assume you've added me for graphics (otherwise, it'll just be creepy). They will no longer be posted here; please join pusong_kahon instead and de-friend this journal. Thank you.

dbsk, minho is my kind of jailbait, jongkey is my shinee jailbait otp, shinee, icons, public post, uchi is back ladkgalg:

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