(no subject)

Apr 20, 2008 21:00

so... i had a baby!

here's the scoop!

friday morning i went in for my first dr appt at 830am at miami valley. they saw my high blood pressure and told me that i should be induced. i was only 36 weeks 6 days at that point. i decided to go ahead with it even though it was exactly what i didn't want. i just knew that it was the safest decision. they tried to put a balloon in my to dialate my cervix for me, but i was already 1cm dialated and it wouldn't stay in.

i finally got my first dose of pitocin, the medicine they use to induce you, at 7:20 pm that night. i started feeling contractions fairly quickly. they decided since my blood pressure was so high (it was going over 160/100) they wanted to give me magnesium to make sure i didnt get any seizures. this is medicine they use to stop preterm labor, so it slowed down my labor a lot which made them up the pitocin, etc.... they gave me a catheter because of the magnesium, and i finally threw a fit and talked them into letting me have bathroom privileges so i could get up and move. i was hoping gravity would work in my favor and i REALLY didnt want to spend all the next FOREVER in my bed (yeah, i must have had a hunch...)

all day saturday i spent in horrendous contractions that were one right on top of another. i dont remember anything about the day except that the only thing i could do was moan and groan. a lot of people came and went and i couldn't really visit with them at all. the drs decided they wanted to try to break my waters to get the process moving a little (i was either 1 or 3 cm dialated at this point. i stayed at both for a LONG time and you aren't in active labor until you are 4) unfortunately, he was still so high up they couldn't break them. sometime in the evening (maybe 6? i dont know, all i know is that transformers was on!) my waters broke on their own! then my mom showed up and i was having WORSE contractions and she kept bothering me through them. good times. haha.

WELL, i got a new nurse at 7 that was AWESOME. i was her only patient and she got to stay with me through the rest of the evening. i talked to her about the possibility of having an epidural just because i wasn't progressing any. people kept talking about me having one, i think because they thought i couldn't handle the pain... i was considering one because my contractions weren't helping me progress at ALL. i knew that it was something to consider if i had to be induced.

so, i decided on the epidural and everyone left but brandon. they put the tube in me and joked around and then i felt DELICIOUS. and the amazing thing? i could still feel stuff! it was pretty cool. right away i started to progress. i popped up to 5 cm and then felt some more pressure and him moving down some more... then he was at 7. i started calling in the troops. i was allowed to have 5 people in the room with me during the birth. brandon, rachel, joy (brandon's mom), elli, and bobby were all there.

all of saturday was fuzzy, but i dont really remember a whole lot of the actual pushing. i just remember this... i was on my side trying to persuade him to move down and it seemed like he might have so i told her i felt like he was moving down. she checked me and said he was moving down and that there wasn't much cervix left... or maybe no cervix left? and she wanted me to push. everyone got up and she said it could take hours. i started pushing while on my back and she told me to roll onto my side to push. i rolled onto my left side and pushed some more. she told me i could go on my right side or all fours and i decided to go on all fours then on my right side instead of trying to move too much. while i was on all fours, i started to throw up a little, so i got a bowl and let 'er rip. while i was throwing up (not a lot, mind you), i leaked some fluid and he moved down some more. i rolled on my right side and pushed a few times. i am pretty sure that when i was rolling onto my right side she called for the drs to come in... and by drs i mean a whole BUNCH of people. i guess it was only 6 according to joy... but it seemed like a whole bunch more in my groggy memory. well anyway, i started pushing on my back and somewhere between the right side and my back i started to feel the ring of fire, so i pushed really freaking hard. i felt him start to move down and everyone kept screaming ot keep pushing so i did... and it was soooo WEIRD. i thought i was still pushing his head through when i felt him break free and all the rest of the fluids gush out. i cant even describe how weird it felt! now that i think about it, when you watch the birthing videos, everyone is always watching the baby at that point... i think i want to start watching the moms. i seriously made the =-O face and gasped in more than i have ever. it was crazy!

they rushed him over to the incubator and i didnt know what was going on. i looked over and the only person whose face i saw was joy's and she was hugging brandon and crying. :) rachel was tellling me i did a good job and that he was beautiful. i just kept looking over in the direction he was. i could hear him crying, but couldn't see him because of positioning and there was a person in the way, but brandon was over there with him. they let him lay on me for a few minutes and then took him to the nursery to make sure he was okay. they sewed me up and it hurt like a biatch, but they finally gave me something for it (keep in mind... i was still on my epidural!).

they finally brought him back a bit later and i have been caring for him ever since. i've gotten about 7 hours of sleep total since friday morning and i wasnt even on a full night's sleep that day either. last night i got about 3 and a half hours of sleep and it was like a day at the spa. LoL he's been nursing and been an angel for everyone and cries a lot around me. haha.

i should be going home tomorrow. :)

4/20/08 4:08am 6 pounds 15 ounces 21.5 inches long. :)

go to www.our365.com to see pictures... i had to search through the hospital in dayton. miami valley, jessica b. you know. :) thats all!
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