Aug 29, 2005 19:39
Well college is going great so far untill classes ive done somethign everynight untill like 3am which isnt that late but its good got to take some freshmen out and show them around got some good cliff jumping videos, went to a few good parties, jsut sad that one thign i hoped for hasnt happened yet or well more like with a person i know shes been busy but she seemed excited to but alas we are in the land of sausage so what could i really expect it really suxs to tho idk jsut seemed like idk w/e nothing i cn do about it excpet hope she comes around. I wil lbe happy if we become jsut friends and hang out a few tiems a week for a while and i get to help her experince some first but we will see. My roomate is pretty cool i think we will get along jsut fine and i think itll be good haveing a roomate like him to help me get my hw done and get proper sleep im done by 1 every day and all my classes are like lectures so that means i can like skip them time to time and so far the sbject matter is cake so yea but these classes are more up my ally more like stuff im interested in and all that i got some friends in some of my classes so thats cool and theres also ppl to meet in them so i liek that to. The weather has turned all crappy which sux but im sure we will get soem nice days still, as long as we can get soem more fires at the breakers in and i guess if the one girl doesnt wanna hang out im sure theres other girls along that ill connect with to and that will enjoy me writing poems about them i guess i can write decent poems idk actually theres a few ive seen just got to get aorund talkngi to them. Argh. Well it doesnt seem i have alot of hw to do for classes either so that kicks ass. Well ppl call me i love calls sooooo much 1-517-617-9655 cell and dorm is 906-483-9161 so call me and ppl u are all welcome to visit me too. Well much love all Peace.