Nov 05, 2008 16:43
While I am happy that Barack Heussein Obama is now the president elect of the United States, there have been several other elections going on:
1. Representative of NY's 2nd district in congress, Steve Israel (D) won. :D
2. NY Senate 2nd district, John Flanagan (R) won :C
3. NY Assembly 9th district, Andrew Raia (R) won :C
4. Dems succeeded in finally getting a majority in NY State Senate :D
5. Local thing funding neighboerhood improvements (parks etc.), and supporting clean energy thing passed :D
And now for things that dont really effect me but I was following anyway.
6. California's Prop. 8 to ban gay marriage passed :C
7. Arizona's Prop. 102 to ban gay marriage passed :C
8. Arkansas' Initiative 1 to bar gay couples from adopting passed :C
9. Florida's Ammendment 2 to ban gay marriage passed :C
10. Colorado's Ammendment 48 to define human life from the moment of conception did not pass :D
11. South Dakota's Initiative 11 to restrict abortion with few exception did not pass :D
12. Massachusetts' Question 2 to decriminalize possession of up to 1 oz. or marijuana passed :D
13. Michigan's Prop. 1 to allow medical marijuana patients to use and grow their own marijuana passed :D
14. Michigan's Prop. 2 to allow embryonic stem cell research passed :D