Sep 09, 2005 01:41
Day by day, that's how my life has been for the longest time now. Plans for the future melt into disappointment time and time again, yet I still try to set goals, and keep myself going for the sake of falling into depression again. Depending on the niceness of others is a harsh, and rather hurtful way to live. It hurts your pride, as well as your self image. Each day I think I fade a little bit more inside to a darker image of myself, wondering how I ever got into this position.
My basic day used to be wake up, take someone somewhere, play wow, pick someone up, occasionally shop, play world of warcraft. I know, it sounds like I'm a bum, but I've actually got quite a lot done, with dealing with past things, school, financial aid, car stuff, keeping people happy, not keeping people happy, and just generally trying to be productive. My energy levels have been getting pretty low, but I've been doing workouts before I go to sleep to help with that, and it seems to be working out pretty well. I recently just got over a flu too, that sucked. A mild stomach flu, not the easiest, or hardest I've had. Did a lot of vomitting, stomach problems, dizziness problems, and such. You think when you are sick you would just try to sleep all day? Not happening. I can't attempt to sleep all day anymore, cause of the constant racket outside, crazy kids! They are doing remodeling to our building, and all I hear ALL FRIGGIN DAY is hammers hitting the walls, saws, some spanish from the workers, and just generally annoying sounds. Argh.
Moving on, but things have been looking up. I met some really cool kids, megan and mia. Lesbians are awesome, we get to talk about how dumb guys are all day xD. I've been accepted as "one of the girls" o.o;;;;. Interesting. Anyways, mia is really awesome, as is megan, but they are kind of odd. They are really good at pump, and such. Me and megan have a lot of anime in common, that's for sure. And we are off to see Kamikaze Girls when it comes to denver, looks friggin awesome too. Me and mia has a lot of WEIRD things in common. Space fantasy is our favorite song from Pump, acting and drama stuff, I want a lot of clothes, she can make them xD. A lot of anime too, she loves cowboy beebop, meh. She hasn't finished it yet htough, she had to watch the watered down crappy toonami version, bah.
Anyways, this has kind of brightened things up for me. I also don't think I will make the anime convention this year, suckyyyy. School starts in a month, ewwwww. Car needs to be fixed soon, but with gas being like, SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS FOR A TANK makes it kind of hard to get my car anywhere unless I push it.
I got kicked out of jillians one night cause I wasn't 21 =o. ZOMGWTFBBQ! I'M OLD DAMMIT.
I'll be alone for thanksgiving and christmas this year! PARTY AT MY PLACE ZOMG! Not really, I'd probably murder you with my angsty hate for the holidays :p