B A S I C S:
first name: Jennifer
middle name: Lee
last name: Gondek
nickname(s): Jenny G, J.G., Gondy, Magazine
gender: woman
birthday month: October
height: 5'2
hair color: Brown
eye color: Brown
do you wear glasses or contacts: Nope
do you have braces: No
is your hair long or short: shorter
current location: West Springfield
zodiac sign: Scorpio
how many languages do you know: 1 1/2
what language do you want to learn: Greek
Bad habits: a million.
piercing you have: yes, and thinking of more??
piercing you want: tongue
tattoos you have: stars and scorpion
today: Thursday
today's date: January 20
the time: 1:54
ready for a bunch more questions: Sure
mother's name: Ann
father's name: Stanley
brother's name: David
sister's name: Heather
favorite grandparent: Only one.
worst relative: I can't rate them
best relative: sister
do you get along with your parents: 90% of the time
does anyone in your family understand you?: Sister
do you have any pets: sort of
what are their names: Thor, Merlin, Mocha, Meika
what kind of animals are they: cats
are you still in school: Yup
did you drop out: No
current GPA: 3.48
favorite grade: 2nd
least favorite grade: all of High School
favorite teacher: Mrs. Shiao
least favorite teacher: Shwartz
favorite subject: any Math
least favorite subject: Science
do you buy lunch or bring it: both
play any sports on the school's team: soccer and track
do you do any extracurricular activities: made fun of people, skipped, killed people
favorite memory: graduating so I could leave
least favorite memory: in school suspension
most humiliating moment: freshman year
F A V 0 R I T E S
number: 6
letter: Z
saying(s): HELL YA
TV show: the O.C.
sport: Soccer
fruit: Strawberries
movie: Beauty and the Beast
magazine: Ready Made
candy: Crunchy M & M's and I'm pissed off cause they discontinued it!!!!
gum: trident
scent: Cool Water & Love Spell
candy bar: 3 Musketeers
Ice cream flavor: Heath
color: Pink or Black
holiday: Halloween
band: I can relate to so many it's hard to say
singer: changes by time
rapper: Kanye
thing in your room: beeeeeeeeeed
place to be: home
TV channel: Comedy Central
junk food: cookies
overall food: pasta
hangout: my car
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: No
do you have a crush: a crush? ehhh?
do you love anyone right now: family
have you ever been in love: No
Who was your first crush: Zack B. 2nd grade
how many hearts of have you broken: I dont think any
how many people broke your heart: None
so what is your bf/gf/crush like: cute
looks or personality: personality, but being attractive to me is essential
ever kiss a friend: Yup
are you still friends: Yes
do you smoke: yes
do you smoke weed: Yes
ever trip on acid: no
heroin: Never
beer good or beer bad: good
are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers : No
prefer beer or liquor: Malibu
what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: None
have you ever drank egg nog: No
if yes, when was the last time you got some:
flashed someone: Yes
told a person how you felt bout them: Yes
been to Michigan: No
gone to jail or juvi: no
Skateboarded: Tried so hard one day, but I couldn't
skinny-dipped: Yup
stolen anything: Yes
kicked someone's ass: no
pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes
broke a beer bottle: HELL YEAH!
gotten into a bar, under-aged: All the time, and will for 2 more years
kissed someone of the same sex: Yeah, but not sexually
gone on a road trip: Yes
gone on vacation without adult supervision: Yes
been to a concert: Yes
been to another country: No : (
talked back to an adult: Yes
got pulled over: Yes
got in a car accident: Yes, not my fault tho
broke a law: goshh, yeeeeees
given money to a homeless person: yup
cried to get out of trouble: all the time
kissed a friend's brother or sister: no
kissed a brother or sister's friend: yeees
dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: haha, oatmeal cookies that I brought to Spanish class. HAHAHAHA I am pure evil.
0 P I N I 0 N S
what do you think...about pop music: I listen to it
about flag burning: no
about suicide: not my forte
about people who try to force their opinions on you: sucker punch
about abortion: For it
about rock/metal music: Yeah
where do you think you'll be in 10 years: purgatory
who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Kelly, Jaimie, Colby
YES or NO:
are you a vegetarian: NO
do you like cows: Yes
are you a bitch: Yes
are you artistic: Yes
do you write poetry: No
are you a fast runner: No
can you ski: Probably
are you British: No
do you want to spear Britney: with a cheese doodle
do the voices talk to you: No
did you ever give Barbie a haircut: Yeah
are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: Nope
are you nice: Try
are you naughty: HAHAHA
are you short: Yes
are you tall: No
do you own a hot pink shirt: It's pink, but not hot pink
how about orange pants: No
can you see the flying monkeys: No
are you evil: No
did you ever know someone who had a mullet: Yess haha
is Britney a whore: we all have a little whore in us
do you like Marilyn Manson: No