Jan 04, 2008 21:16
I suspect, that over the next couple of weeks, this journal will see much more activity then it is used to. Considering it is used to none, by the process of me typing right now, the activity of this journal has gone up exactly 100%.
So I was reading the only other two posts on here and surprisingly didn't want to vomit when I read them, so they can stay.
So yes, I did in fact get married. Which is the main reason this journal will see a sudden spike in activity over the coming weeks, not because I think you're all vastly interested in what a standard married couple does. Quite the opposite in fact. You see, Ginny left for China this morning.
Her school does this thing called Intersession, and during the month of January, instead of staying home for an extended break, the students at Washington and Jefferson return to campus and choose to either take a single class, or go on one of the school sponsored trips. Ginny has wanted to go on one of these trips since she first started going here, and this is the first year the school has offered a scholarship for students who are interested but may not necessarily have the means to do so. So this year, she got the highest scholarship offered for these trips, and we made up the difference, and she left this morning at 5:45 AM.
I can honestly say, that this is the first time in my entire life I have lived alone. I lived with my parents until we got married, and then moved directly in with her. It's interesting how ingrained in someone you can become in as short as six months. My mind works on a completely different schedule now then it did before. For example, as of the time I'm writing this, (9:23 PM) my brain is telling me that we are currently in prime TV/Board Game/Talking/Cuddling time with Ginny, however, as there is no one here but me, I am sitting in the dark, at my computer, typing to no one.
This startles me. I knew I would be kind of lonely when Ginny was gone, but I was unaware that I have never had to function on my own. Don't get me wrong, I can take care of myself, I'm perfectly proficient at cooking and cleaning, getting up on time and going to work, taking care of our apartment (aside from both fish that I have consequently killed) and more or less functioning in the real world. What I'm referring to is the sense of aimlessness. When I was at home, I did what I wanted to do between helping my parents or brothers or going to work. Now, I spend the little free time I have online between helping Ginny cook or clean, or helping her by running errands, or talking to her, or doing just about everything with her at this point. This is where I'm currently falling apart.
I have no one to come by my desk and see whats going on, and randomly strike up a conversation, there is no one to watch The Office or Weeds with and laugh and cry and cuddle up against right before bed. There is no one reminding me to take out the trash a dozen times, not that I necessarily need to be reminded that many times, but its something I've grown used to.
My question to you, no one who is reading this, is what does one do in this time he would normally be filling with his wife and best friend? I can only surf the internets for so long. I'm currently reorganizing the apartment in my head, and noting that I need to rebuild our media center PC tomorrow, but after that I'm at a loss. I feel like I need to work everyday all week just to cope with the absurd amount of down time I'm going to have without her here. I'm also going to be working on getting OSx86 to run on my main computer, which is proving less then fun. I suppose it will be alright to have that time be uninterrupted, but still, how long can I stare at a screen without my mind melting?
The irony in all of this, is we've had a couple of fights in the recent past about me not getting enough time to myself. I can tell you right now that I would gladly give any of my possessions and possibly limbs/organs if she'd come home. I have never, in my entire life, been so completely and helplessly bored and thus, miserable. I also find it startling that I have never once in my 21 years on this earth lived for only myself. Literally. When I was 13 I spent the next 4 years of my life living for cancer treatments, during this time, I met my now wife, whom I spend 98% of my time with now. So what do I do? I'm at a loss...