pansexualcassiecain: 2ndbluebird: infectedscrew: To help

Feb 11, 2017 16:34




To help with the whole ‘secret identity’ thing, the heroes of Gotham will absolutely wear someone else’s costume to cover for them while out sick/injured or just plain out of the city. This has led to hilariously wild and conflicting images for each of the heroes. Is it gonna be growl-y Batman or the Batman willing to finish a conversation? Extra flippy Nightwing or the Nightwing with a killer roundhouse kick? Maybe you’ll get the Red Robin who offers way too many statistics as a criminal or the eerily silent Red Robin who people swear up and down is a girl, either way this RR is going to body slam a criminal into a wall. Or perhaps the super short but no less deadly Red Hood’ll pop up.

No one knows which version of a mask they are going to get and that is just incredibly stressful for Gotham’s underbelly.

I love the suit-sharing idea so much and it’s given me so many ideas.

-the most popular first choice for a replacement is Cass because everyone knows she’ll make them look super awesome.

-When Cass got sick everyone wanted to be Black Bat, but she named Harper as her successor. Bruce was like “Cassandra honey Black Bat can’t have blue hair for one night, there needs to be a bit of consistency,” so Cass went ahead and dyed her hair blue as well and Bruce almost had a heart attack.

-Once Dick was Red Hood and wasn’t used to the helmet’s more restricted visibility, and he somersaulted straight into wall. Tim found footage of it in a security camera, and the batkids have regular viewings of it in Wayne Manor’s theatre. Dick is on a mission to destroy every copy of the video.

-Bruce would be more open to the idea of his kids being Batman for a night if they didn’t have so much fun with it. They always do horrible over-the-top impersonations of his Batman voice. “Dick I swear to God,” “SWEAR TO ME!!!” He’s tried locking up his suits but just has so many of them, there’s always a spare somewhere in the cave.

-Damian hates the idea of someone else being Robin and won’t turn over his costume, but it’s no use because Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph and Duke already have their own old Robin costumes so anyone can just ask to borrow theirs.

-The batkids start betting their costumes on games nights. Dick is, of course, the reigning champion at Twister, and a standing rule is that if anyone can beat him they can be Nightwing for a month.

-For ages Barbara and Alfred politely refused to join in the costume swapping, but then one night, without any warning, Dick called Oracle and Alfred picked up.

-Some nights, because there was a lot of betting the day before, or just because some kids are lazy and pick up the nearest costume, everyone somehow ends up with someone else’s costume, and the coms is hell.
“Red Robin.”
“No Tim I mean the Red Robin tonight.”
“Oh, yes that’s me?”
“Steph I thought you were Nightwing.”
“Nope that’s Damian.”
“Then where the hell is Duke.”
“I’m Red Hood dude, I’ve literally been patrolling with you the whole night.”
“What, I thought that was Harper.”
“No I’m Batgirl.”
“What, I thought that was Jason???”
“Only codenames on the coms, everyone.”
“Bruce why would you want this to be more complicated.”

- “Damian you little shit.”
“Brown you said very clearly that I could choose tonight’s Batgirl.”
“I am not being replaced by Bat-Cow.”

this is a beautiful addition i’m screechign

batfamily, crosspost

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