and maybe we were made for eachotherr

Aug 01, 2009 13:40

sup guys, how have you been? i've been swearing off life for a bit, and trying to take some time off to relax, and so i have not updated at all in like, 30952823 years. wow, i feel mature after using all those numbers. so, some points (:

-> ahhh so next week i have to pick subjects that will determine my last two years at school and the kind of degree i choose. i'm really nervous and stressed out because i have no idea what i want to do. eeee, typical, i know, but i am really jealous of the people who know exactly what they want to do, and they know what subjects they have to choose to get a certain mark. :/

and i have to choose by next thursday, so that will be fun. not really. cough. the only one that i'm sure of is extension english, so yeah. i really need to think about it. AHHHHH. not fun. :/

-> okay, so i've been downloading a huge amount of fanmixes and other forms of awesome shiz like that, and i would really love it if people recommended me music! the kind of music that i like is more indie than anything else, i like both pop and rock. and i love acoustic music. ohhhh and i do like the occasional old love song from the 80s, or instrumental songs (explosions in the sky!!). haha i'm a bit weird like that.

so yes! music recommendations would be nice. :D

-> i've finally gotten around to writing again! i know i freaked out a few weeks ago and went all crazy spam posting because i lost all that writing, but i'm back on the ball. writing harry potter, of all things, but i started writing from harry potter, anyway, and so it's like a full 360. writing harry potter is kind of fun, too, not like i'm going to post anything up, but it's good to just write again. (:

and i might move onto original fiction after i develop a somewhat normal writing style for long stories. :D also, i have revamped tharae  a bit, and hopefully i'll be able to post something up there soon.

that being said! do this meme! (:

The "You Should Write..." Meme!
my thread here

-> haha. tell me what's been happening in your life. (:

boring rl stuff, meme again, writing =/= fun, sarah likes memes, music!

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