
Feb 17, 2009 23:01

I guess I've been a really bad lj friend lately, and I can't blame anyone for that except myself, I guess. And uhhhh I have no excuses for that, not really. I'm trying, but I have to admit that I could try harder. I will. I hope.

Got a part in the ensemble for the nsg/nsb (my school and my school's 'brother' school) musical. I'm pretty happy about that, actually. Still unbelieving that Stella didn't get a lead, because she's a fantastic singer. Actually, no year 10s have lead rolls, which is really weird. :/ Well I have her and Vianna to hang out with, so it should be good. Actually, it's going to be awesome. Because I'm telling myself this, idk.

Meme-esque thing


Dug this out of the past. Please contribute!! (:

amazing much?, boring rl stuff

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