so you'd say.

Nov 15, 2008 16:46

finished everything is illuminated. what a powerful book. i think i'm in love with it.

yearlies and assignments are all over minus one and i'm so excited and happy about everything. i'm also watching make me a supermodel and shanina is such a bitch. she totally screwed over tom's. yaaaah. :/ she is a really good model, which is such a huge shame. ugh. and since i know who is going home, i feel kinda angry. ah well.

after i finish this, i might watch code gay-ass. maybe. :D

and i really like White Xmas. It has such a nice peaceful feel. (:

to absolutely everyone who is having a hard time on my flist, i love you all. so freaking much. you're all strong, fantastic people.

boring rl stuff, coherency wins against all, i feel like celebrating, sarah loves her f-list, i am a failure, kat-tun kat-tun kat-tun!!, a;djflgdkglagha;hga;, kat-tun are the queens of my heart

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