some men just want to see the world burn.

Jul 27, 2008 22:16


Why so serious?
Let's put a smile on your face.


You know what this means, right?
Someone buy me this for christmas. :D

Uhhhh. I will do a movie review later. When I am more coherent. klajsd i actually don't remember much of the plot at all. i was laughing my head off when the joker was doing his crazy psychopath thing. WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT ME.

Also, here is a meme that I have been putting off for like, forever. :/

01. How many people do you know in person from your friends list?
dies uhhhh six. (:

02. Who are they? How do you know them? When did you last meet or talk?
elaeye; saklfj chrissy chrissy chrissy! she is def my bff and half our otp and we will forevermore be awesome and shiny. or something idek ♥
ishibishispider; asklfj i knew her from school and we haven't talked since she graduated. ):
kokoronotenshi dies ahhhh cyn :DDDD asklfj we know eachother through ss :D!!
kurotexta aslkjf jasminnie! she is freaky amazing with the piano and transcribing. sj! <3 ilher lots. (:
spinintriangles; dies friends since year one lololol. :DDDD
toosweet4words; she is my train buddy and we talk over everything. it's amazing, rite. (:

03. If you could meet ONE person from your friends list, who would it be and why?
as;lffka one is too hard, don't ask me to choose. ;______;

04. Who is the 3rd and 5th person listed on your friends list? Who are they and why are they on your friends list?
_likespunglass - shace shace shace she is on my friends list because she is amazing and fun and sarcastically awesome. i also like her posts. (:
aisline - hmmm she doesn't go online at all lately. :/

05. Pick a song that reminds you of person #8.
for among_the_lost? hmmmm something ss501. anything ss501. respect ~onna hen~. idk. :D

06. How well do you know the last person listed on your friends list?
yuxo is adorable and faily. i don't know her that well but i would love to get to know her more. (:

07. List two people from your friends list that you talk to the most.
... uhhh this is probably soiresque because we talk like what, every day? idk. o: also spinintriangles/toosweet4words i'm not quite sure which one. :D

08. What do you have in common with the first person?
031184 - askljf ummmmm ryopin!!!! also: fandom and writing and alskfj (:

09. Who blogs the most on your friends list?
... i have no idea. :/

10. Is there someone on your friends list that you wish WASN'T on your friends list?
No? I don't think so? :/

11. Are you one of those people that do constant friends list cuts because people aren't COOL enough for you?
dies i am not that elitest. :x

12. Have you ever been cut from someone's friends list? Were you angry?
I have, and I guess I was a bit, because I wasn't even added for that long before she cut me. but pssssh, i don't even remember her username what does this say about me. D:

13. Do you have a free or paid account? Did you pay for it?
i have a sponsered account, mainly for the increased userpics. :x

14. Do you expect people to read and comment on ALL your entries?
dies no because i don't comment to everyone's entries either. askljf i try, but sometimes i miss something.

15. Do you read all of your friends' journals?
i always read every entry, even if i don't comment. (:

16. Share memories linked to someone that is dear to you: usernames begin with #, C, F, I, L, O, R, U, X.
031184 basically airpilot and RYOPIN. :D also, beautiful quote reccing and fic writing and just amazingness. (:
4_03_am - euro 2008 and crying over germany's loss. idk, we haven't talked much. i will try harder! :D
_likespunglass - basically shace and thank you so much for everything. ♥ hmmm... msn conversations and adorable voice recordings.
calvincakes - aslkjf you take some amazing photographs and you have a seriously great taste in music.
ceriseskies - dies rina and i have been friends since year one :DDDDDDD hmmm. a plastic bird that got lost. :D
faito_oh - basically tilly alksjfasf hi thar i lovejuice you? BUMP OF CHICKEN. CARL AND KAME. RUSSIAN PRINCESSES. idk, gtalk and the world and our ghost!fic that we should really finish.
flamesword - dies harro. uhhh AKAME FICCY THING REDUX. (:
freepureangel - uhh we haven't talked a lot yet. but you mentioned koizora in your journal :DDDDD!
fridayed - you write amazingly. aslkjfaslkfj hmmmmm icon talking and random discussion about miura haruma :DD OHHHH AND OUR DARK KNIGHT COMMENT THREAD. it was only a few comments long, but still. heath ledger! :')
inevitabilityy - basically clare and HI we should really talk more DO YOU HAVE GTALK. matsumoto junnosuke. :D amazing fic writing skillz. FACEBOOK. i think you were one of my first few friends on there xDDD
innocenteen aslkjf you have amazing fic writing skills as well and i know you don't go on that journal anymore but asklfj i wish we could've talked more. ):
ishibishispider aslkfjalfks ishi!! i know you don't go on anymore because you're busy with uni and stuff but you're the person who inspired me to write and you're pretty darn amazing, rite. ♥
iwritebadporn - askljf you aren't even properly on my flist but thank you for all the good fic :D!
lilmatchgirl007 - dies your dedication to akame is inspiring. we've only talked a few times but i hope we talk more! (:
loverswhocover - wassup siamese twin? special shoes and our win for life and ever afters. (:
lycorisc - alskjf not much but i hope you do update more so we can get to know eachother more. (:
our_innocence - i am way too nervous to comment on your journal. i do love doing your polls, but. :D
red_erythros - you watch tennis and you like dramas. A++ :DDDD
redthreadbound - dies rp account do i even need to put this here? o:
unravellingsky - aslkjf you starting blogging on another site so i never got to know you better but since you've moved back to lj maybe we can talk a bit more? (:
x3shiro - we've talked a bit but not a whole lot so let's talk more. :DD aslkjf you're from sydney and i think you're pretty cool so it all adds up. :DD
x_taintedblack - dies i added you when i was still in hp fandom and aslkfj we haven't really talked a lot but i'm trying to commetn on your entries. but i was hella excited when i came back from japan last year all coverted to je to find out that someone from flist actually knew what je was. :DD
xaoitsuki - klsajf you're MACEDONIAN okay. Macedonian fangirl = always good in my books. :D
xswindz - dies that entry in your journal this morning. xDDDDD

... 24 names there WHY SO MANY ;_______________;

17. Is there someone you'd like to spend the rest of your life with?
... :/

18. Someone you aren't friends with anymore and miss.
hmmm. i don't think so?

19. Who is the last person who added you? And who last removed you?
:/ uhhhh. flamesword and idk if anyone cut me. hopefully not. :/

20. What are the tags you used the most?
... dies i use a lot of tags. hmmm. :/ listed all the ones about 20 uses. :D

a;djflgdkglagha;hga; - 72 uses. 72, what am i doing with my life D:
boring rl stuff - 30 uses. that is my rl posts tag. :/
i can't believe i did this - 22 uses.
i feel like celebrating - 26 uses. this is my STAYING UP LATE AND FINISHING HOMEWORK tag, as well as other stuff. :D
je has eaten my brain - 31 uses. DIES dead dead dead.
lulz like ttly - 22 uses. this is my general lol and stupidity tag. o:
meme again - 21 uses this means i have done at least 21 memes? OH MY LIFE IS SAD. D:
random incoherent babbling - 34 uses. dies i do that a lot. D:
sarah likes memes - 23 uses. i do i do! :D

dies what. my life can be summed up in tags D:

21. What are the tags you used the least?
... listed everything under 10 uses xDD

ahoy thar blond junno - 3 uses. dies this was when yuukan club came out :DD
amazing much? - 6 uses. dies my life isn't amazing.
arashi for win! - 6 uses. awww, arashi isn't mentioned much.
australia has weird commercials - 1 use. dies best commetcial ever y/y
bufffyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! - 1 use. DIES I NEED TO CONTINUE WATCHING THIS.
bump of chicken ilu - 3 uses. i need to use this tag more.
chinen is so awesome he gets a link - 3 uses. dies chinen scares me now i = big wimp. idk, something about his pirouetting tinyness scares me. ;_____;
dramas and shiz - 8 uses. considering all the dramas i watch this is surprising. :/
epik high! - 1 use. dies i am useless with this.
gossip girl omg - 1 use. aslkfj i do love gossip girl season 2 plz come out now and save my soul :D!
i am a failure - 4 uses. dies i'm surprised that this hasn't been used more.
i don't like you maths - 6 uses. strangely enough, this tag hasn't been used enough. :/
i love dyed hair - 1 use. I DO, I DO.
intro post~ - 2 uses. this is how much care i put into introducing myself. xDD
je drives people nuts - 7 uses. tis true. (:
just because. - 1 use. my random story dedication corners.
just saying. - 2 uses. a mini drabble diary made up of what i'm feeling at the moment.
kat-tun are the queens of my heart - 2 uses. why haven't i used this tag more. :x
kat-tun is a scary fandom - 3 uses.
kat-tun kat-tun kat-tun! - 4 uses. :D!
kkk is love, but - 3 uses. i do love kkk. :D
layout change - 5 uses. dies what an unimportant tag. :/
marry me jin - 8 uses. dies i like how this tag makes me sound loser-like. :D

... i can't be bothered finishing this., if you're curious. D:
conclusion: i use too many tags. :/

22. What are the tags of your most favourite entry?
i don't have favourite entries xDD

23. What are your favourite tags?
... i don't have favourite tags i have too many ;__________;

24. Have you added back all the users who added you?
uhhhh. all the people who have commented, yes. :D

25. Do you use custom groups? If so, how many do you have?
akslfj i have a few. i don't use them that much but, i can't be bothered. :/

26. How many interests have you listed? Are some of them listed by you only? If so, which?
I have like 6 interests. wow, look at that. i used to have loads, but. :/
bump of anything, carl and kame, carljuice, hearts and love and paris, i lovejuice you, springhorse for your soul.

27. Which are your favorite interests?
bump of anything, carl and kame, hearts and love and paris and i lovejuice you

28. How many communities have you joined? Do you check all of them?
Joined 98, watching 107, dies i join too many comms. :/

29. Your lj stats.
Date created 2005-06-24 22:03:36
Date updated: 2008-07-21 15:55:25, 5 days ago
Account type: Plus Account (upgrade)
Journal entries: 237
Comments: Posted: 3,281 - Received: 1,160

dies i am old on lj. :x

30. Lastly, tag four people on your friends list.
klasjf do what you like :D

dies why is this entry so fail. :/

meme again, picspam accordingly, sarah likes memes, the dark knight omg, heath ledger my fucking soul, random incoherent babbling

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