Thrash Post #36 : Random crap

Jun 28, 2014 02:59

I've been doing random crap lately and getting lazier by each passing second~
Anyway, I haven't started writing the next chapter of Hanami yet hahaha! See my point?
So there have been people asking me if I'm alright and what happened to my hand....
After my second operation my left hand turned really weak(it also doesn't follow my commands sometimes ><) and I couldn't move my leg at all for about a week~ I worked hard in physiotherapy and thank God I could move them again ^^
I also indulged in drawing lately....
You see, I love my former roommate very much, more than my current bestie(she'd kill me if she found out), she is so kind and she had never hurt my feelings at all...She was the first person to say that she was grateful that she met me(it is the best feeling ever)...But she lives in a state so far from me :(  So, I decided to draw for her. It's Koujaku from Dramatical Murder and she loves the character.. I can't draw as good as before because of the state of my hand since I'm a lefty but I'm trying my best... Hope it didn't turn out too shitty >< Didn't complete it yet though :P
I miss her :(

others : thrash post, others : fanart, *others

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