Thrash Post #25: I'm Back?

Sep 22, 2013 21:50

WOW! It's been almost a whole year since I last updated this blog??
NO I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT IT! or maybe I did....
But I've been pretty busy ~
Haven't written fanfics in ages!

and I'm surprised there are still people commenting on my fics ><
It's like almost a damn year, DAMMIT! HOW DID U FIND ME? *looks around suspiciously*

anyway, I really wana write fics again! But I've been as lazy as a pig~
Recently I did think of a good idea for a oneshot~ but my oneshot always ended up to be a chaptered fic ==
I hate myself!
And i told somebody I'd continue writing a continuation to the fic I left undone...but I didn't~
I'm sorry dear readers ><
Still having a self conflict here~
But once my final exam for this sem is done I'll give it a deep thought ya!

others : thrash post

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