Nov 16, 2010 14:01
First of all, I'm a PC and Windows 7 was NOT my idea.
Meanwhile, lots going on. I love Bellevue so far! It's great to live in a city with an actual downtown, and only a half hour (in good traffic) out of downtown Seattle. There's sushi, Thai and Pho in ever strip mall, usually all three with an Indian place. There is actually Stuff to Do! Ah Eugene, I don't miss you at all.
Gareth and I parted ways the weekend of Ky's wedding #1. It was amicable enough and mutual, as he'd long stopped acting quite like a boyfriend weeks before although he is still a good friend. Which is good, as I'm fond of him. And the following weekend, instead of the inevitable grousing about being his being social when he didn't feel like it, I had the fun of hanging out with Trista! Stayed with her, and she was my date all weekend. Ah, how I love that girl.
Bitsy is still unemployed, though starting ot look more seriously than before. I think the free time is starting to weigh heavily, even though he's occupied with a statistics class that he spends many many hours on.
Mom is happy, which is a huge relief in life. She's moved in with her new boyfriend, who adores her. Having met and evaluated the fellow, I quietly wish that they'd somehow been able to meet three decades ago. Although in such an instance, we'd all be different people and who can say what would be. Still, I like him. They're coming up for Thanksgiving, along with the Stephensons out. I've never really gotten to host a family holiday with actual family members before. Usually I handle the Orphan's Day celebrations, so this'll be fun and new.
Got to see my boy Ian this weekend. He's just turned into the best kid ever, helpful and kind and perilously sweet. Unlike a lot of kids that go into the Army/Navy, he hasn't picked up really bad habits and language. Almost the opposite, he's even more careful about what he says now. I'm so proud.
Started to try out dating a new guy up here. He's a programmer, sweet, has a daughter. I like nice guys! We shall see how it goes, but I'm determined to stay optimistic for the future.
That's all the news from Lake Woebegone, where the women are strong (and can do 150 pushups), the men are good looking (and how) and the children are all above average.