oooooo raccoons!!

May 07, 2008 08:06

last night after joel's show (boy LOVES hell's kitchen) we went outside and there were three baby raccoons hanging out at the dumpster. they were SOOOO cute! they were much smaller than basil and leif and so so so fuzzy. plus, they made lots of scrappy noises like 'rar rar grrrwl rar'!! so cute! when joel and i were quietly sitting at watching them in the parking lot they saw us and scampered towards us. cute! so i ran inside quick, grabbed some bread, cut it into pieces and fed it to them. so cute! they munched on it for a little bit, then scrapped with each other. one of them kept on charging me while making cute noises and since i didn't know if he was being aggressive or playful i just kept on throwing bread. he was really, really cute but i didn't have on shoes and i didn't want to get bitten by a wild animal. i named the charging one bitey. bitey was the main instigator when fighting with his siblings.

joel was offended that the little baby raccoons didn't eat all his bread. he worked hard on it and i fed it to raccoons who didn't eat it. poor joel.

i love feeding raccoons! as long as i'm not camping that is...i hate it when they steal my food. those little ninjas.


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