oh collegiate life

Sep 10, 2007 14:10

So today was my first day in college.

My lovely schedule:
English 110- MWF (12:30-1:55 PM) & T (1:00-2:20 PM)
Math 140 - MWF (9:30-10:50 AM) & T (10:30-12:55 PM)
Comm 108 - TR (8:00-10:05 AM)
CSUB 101 - W (8:30-9:25 AM)

Today turned out pretty well, which was far from what I expected. I was imagining doom and complete depression, but from today's turn-outs, it wasn't such a bust. I was right about the work load though and how most likely that's what's going to kill me, but I guess it's all about time management. Gah, I am always learning in and out of school.

I only had two classes today: Math 140 and English 110 and both were only an hour and a half so-so long (but the 30 minutes were non-existent today because both of my profs let us out earlier). I have an hour and a half break between the two and I spent it today trying to get things done with my financial aid (which I still haven't gotten) and visited a friend's dorm.

Curse CSUB for having a quarter system!!!! I was just told by my English prof that we are one of the two California colleges to work on a quarter system and that sucks for us because we only have 11 weeks in each, which means that time is compressed therefore, more work in very little time. Oh damn.

I must admit that it is quite intimidating, college life. It seemed like I was the only freshman in my math class because they were all so big and everything. Hehe... I really hope I'm not. But oh well. I suppose by next month (or maybe even less than that) I'll get the hang of everything and by then I'll be a pro at this sucka.
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