Ok first off this was definitely the best concert I have ever been too. And secondly I realized that I am not as crazy obsessed over the Idols as I thought I was. I realized there are alot of crazier people out there than me!
First my friend and I got to the arena around 1:15. We were outside behind some barricades. Well all of a sudden all of these people started running towards the building around the corner. So of course we start going too. Eventually we end up inside in this big long line and I was like "crap! We are never going to get close to them now!" But then a security guard came over and said "you guys can move up. there is no line." That was seriously the best thing I had ever heard!
So we are there waiting behind this blue rope thing behind like 3 people, but we were close to the front of the group. We weren't sure which way they were coming out so we kept moving our heads back and forth like a tennis match. We kept thinking someone was coming because people kept screaming every time a security person came out. We kept thinking that must have been a big ego boost for those people!
Well on the walkway above us David Archuleta's dad came out. All of the arch angels kept screaming and my friend was like "C'mon that's just the 2nd place finisher's dad!"
At about 2 the first person came out and it was.....MICHAEL JOHNS!!!!!
He actually came over to our side first to sign sigs which was awesome! He was very sweet and was taking pics with everyone...we were too far away to get in a pic with him though :( this woman behind us had a boom box and was playing some of Michael's songs. He got all embarrassed and was like "Stop, c'mon" he was laughing though and smiled awkwardly. It was just really weird and security finally told her to turn it off which i was very thankful for!
My friend did ask him if he would smile for a picture after he signed our papers. This is the result of that question.
Then after our satisfying experience with Mikey the rabid screams from the other side told us that Archie was on his way. He started at the other end so we had to wait a while. He eventually came and he was very sweet and signed our papers too. He also smiled for a picture. But I alas did not get it in time. So here is the one I got.
Next came KLC. We didn't even know she was coming down the line until she was almost in front of us. She seemed nice, but was wearing sunglasses indoors (weird). She signed our papers and we got a pic.
Stay tuned for the rest of the idols and my review of the show itself and the crazy fans!