Sep 24, 2012 16:54



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anonymous September 26 2012, 23:47:50 UTC
What are the odds? (3 of 4?)

What he remembers next is a bit fuzzy. He remembers feeling the boat being rocked about by waves that kept splashing him, and he remembers wondering why they were on the water in the lifeboat, that was supposed to be connected to a bigger boat. Ryo had strapped them both into life jackets but Ryo was still holding onto him the entire time, that Ueda did remembers clearly. Something happened though that made them capsize and began being tossed through the ocean by huge waves that didn't seem to stop. Ueda has never liked swimming all that much, mostly because it's such a hassle to keep himself afloat. Even with the life jackets, Ueda felt like he was being dragged down to the depths of the sea. Ryo had grabbed him though and refused to let go. The next thing Ueda knows he is waking up on the beach with Ryo sprawled next to him.


Watching the sunrise is soothing and Ueda tries not to remember the feeling of drowning left over from his dreams and memories.

Ueda feels Ryo's presense behind him before he even sees him. "Did I wake you?" Ueda doesn't look at Ryo and just continues watching the sunrise.

"Yes. You weren't there anymore and it woke me up." Ryo speaks for the first time since they ended up here.

Ueda just looks at him wondering what that's supposed to mean. Then Ryo plops down next to him and they watch the surise without another word spoken between them.

Finally Ueda can't take it anymore though. "So what the hell happened?" Ueda tries to sound nonchalant but it comes off a bit hysterical.

Ryo just kind of glances at him and shrugs, "I don't know. One minute I'm kissing you the next thing I know is that you have fallen asleep." Ueda lowers his head at that. It's embarassing now that Ryo's said it out loud. "And then I figured I'd join you, but then when I woke up, we were already out at sea, no other boats in sight." Ryo says this with a lot of frustration, like he can't figure out what happened either.

"So you have no idea what happened either" Ueda sums up.


"Do you have any idea where we are?"


"What about how long it's been?"

"Don't have a clue. My guess it's been at least two nights, you were asleep all of yesterday, and only woke up when we got hit by a storm."

"I remember the storm. It capsized the life boat right?" Ueda is watching Ryo for any signs of emotions. So far he hasn't acted like he's freaking out or anything of the sort. It's a bit unnerving.

Ryo just nods in affirmation.

"Why are you so calm?" Ueda is starting to get annoyed now. But at the same time, he wants to just jump Ryo right here and now. The only thing that is stopping him, is that he fears that Ryo blames him for this mess and will reject him. Ueda might have like Ryo for a while now, but that's the one thing that has always stopped him from making a move- the fear of rejection. Ryo used to treat him like crap and now that they're grown up (well at least a little more) Ryo knows how to at least act civil. Ueda doesn't want to give him a reason to stop.

Ryo smirks at him- the first sign of any emotion- and it actually makes Ueda feel calm. Then Ryo tackles him. It knocks the breath out of him and he just stares up at Ryo with shock. "What are you doing?" Ueda tries for calm, but it comes out breathless and husky. Ryo just smirks at him again and leans down.


anonymous September 26 2012, 23:51:12 UTC
What are the odds? (4 of 5)

Ryo's hands are rough and calloused, but they feel like fire as they slide across his body. Somehow they've managed to lose their clothes and Ueda is laying on them protecting him from the sand. Ryo's kissing him breathless when he breaks away and starts leaving a trail of wet kisses down Ueda's neck, across his collarbones, all the way down to his abs. Ryo's hot mouth surrounds him then, and it's all Ueda can do to not buck his hips and choke him.

When he feels like he's about to lose it, Ryo pulls away and crawls up his body to kiss him again. He feels Ryo massaging him then all of a sudden a finger makes it's way inside him. It surpisingly doesn't hurt so he just begs Ryo for more.

When Ryo slides into him, it's like he's finally become whole. It's such a cheesy thought, that he laughs through his moans. Ryo just smirks again and starts thrusting into him without reserve. Everything feel amazing, until Ryo reaches his hand between them and starts strocking him along with his thrusts. It sends Ueda into complete bliss and the next thing he knows is, he's seeing white and can't help but close his eyes and moan out Ryo's name.

When he opens them again, he's blinded by bright lights. He thinks he must have fallen asleep again, because the sun had barely been up while they were.... Ueda shoots his eyes open agan, this time realizing that it's not the sun that is blinding him, but floresant lights right above his head. He's also no longer on a beach, but in a room. He quickly looks around and notices Ryo on a bed to his left. It's a hospital bed. When Ueda looks down, he notices he's in a hospital gown and in a bed just like Ryo's.

"Hime?" Ryo's voice scares the crap out of him and his little moniter next to him starts to beep loudly before it quiets down again. "Ryo? What's going on, where'd the beach go?" Ryo looks at him confused but then it's as if something dawns on him and he actually blushes and looks down. Nishikido Ryo blushed. What the hell is going on?

Just then the door opens and who Ueda assumes is a nurse and doctor walk in.

"Ah, I see you've finally decided to wake up!" The doctor says this with a chuckle and looks at both of them. He looks over their charts and does a lot of nodding to himself.

"Um, Sensei, what is going on?" The doctor smiles but before he even gets a word out, the door bursts open and Kame flies in followed by everyone in Kanjani 8 and the rest of KAT-TUN. Kame rushes towards him and hugs the living daylights out of him, then smacks him upside the head. "What the hell is wrong with you! How dare you scare us like that! BOTH of you!" He emphasizes his point by going over to Ryo, who is in the middle of some sort of group hug, and also smacks him in the head also.

"Ouch, what the fuck Kamenashi!" Ryo gives him a deadly glare, but Kame seems unfazed. Then he comes back and crawls on Ueda's bed to hug him again. Ueda can tell just how scared Kame actually is and just lets him hug it out. Maru and Koki both awkwardly join in, until Taguchi squishes them all together when he joins the hug. "I'm so glad you're ok Ueppi!" Ueda smiles at the overly enthusiastic hug.

"What the hell is going on!?" Ryo has shoved his groupmates away and is smoothing out his hair and gown.

"You don't remember?" This time Kame seems to have calmed down, and is using his 'calm and gentle' voice. Ueda just shakes his head. "Well, what's the last thing you remember?" Kame asks him instead.

Ueda thinks about the beach, but something tells him that he probably shouldn't mention it. So he goes for the last time he rememebers being with Kame. "Um we were eating dinner on the yacht?" he looks over to see Ryo visible deflate in relief. He's going to need to talk to Ryo alone, SOON.


anonymous September 26 2012, 23:52:04 UTC
What are the odds? (5 out of 5)

"Oh good, then you didn't lose any memories." The doctor buts in before Kame can say anything. The doctor then goes on to explain how both Ueda and Nishikido had a very bad reaction to a delicacy that was served with dinner. Some sort of fruit Ueda assumes from the doctors description of it. The reaction they had is so rare, that no one even bothers to warn about the possibility of it happening. Though that will probably change now that two people on the same night got sick from it.

"You guys have been out cold for over a week!" Junno helpfully supplies once the doctor is done explaining what happened to them. "We thought you guys might not even wake up." Junno adds with a frown, which earns a smack from Koki."Don't SAY that!"

Ueda looks to Ryo for some sort of clue as to what he feels about all this but he just kind of shruggs. It reminds Ueda of when he did it on the beach- which apparently didn't happen.

"You'll never guess what the fruit is used for though!" This time it's Yasuda that has spoken up. "Apparently it's supposed to make your wildest dreams come true!" Ryo looks thouroughly confused at this, and when he looks over Ueda just gives him the same shrug he just got from Ryo.

"Yeah, apparently you are supposed to have great dreams after you eat it, 'like feeling like your wildest dreams come to life'. It's meant to make you sleepy, but it knocked you both out right away, and for an entire week." Nakamaru says.

"Yes, like I said, it's a rare reaction. Even more so that both of you were affected the exact same way!" The doctor says with great fascination. "I think it's time to let you two rest though." The doctor and nurse start shuffling the guys out, which they agree to with much resistance. "They just slept for a whole damn week though!" Yoko could be heard complaining even after the door was closed.

"So..." Ryo is looking at him expectedly. "So?" Ueda has no idea what Ryo want him to say. "So you remember the deserted island to?" Ryo isn't looking at Ueda but at the floor, almost like he hasn't said anything at all. Ueda can only look at him shocked. That had all been a dream right? So how did Ryo know about it?

"You dreamt the same thing!?" Ueda can't come up with any possible reasons as to why Ryo knows about the deserted island. "Even about the thing that happened on the beach?" Ueda is almost whispering now, hoping that somehow Ryo won't hear him nor agree that he knows about Ueda dreaming of them having sex.

"Even about the sex." Ryo is getting out of his bed and Ueda just looks down in embarrassment. Just when Ryo's bare feet reach his vision, a finger lifts his chin. "Why are you embarrassed? I'm the one that made all the first moves then." Ryo is looking at him with a serious expression and Ueda can't figure out what it means. Then Ryo shoves him to lay down and climbs on his bed and hovers over him. "But I thought it was just a dream?" Ueda can't figure out why Ryo would be doing this in real life, after all it had just been a dream.

"They said the fruit was eaten so that your wildest dreams come true, well for me it did, and I'm guessing that since you dreamt the same thing that you share the same dream." And then Ryo leaned down and kissed him.

When he pulled back Ueda couldn't help but smile to himself. "What?" Ryo asked almost causiously."I guess I should have realized it was a dream back then." "Why's that?" Ueda just smirked at Ryo and said "because it was perfect and it didn't hurt at all."

Ryo returned the smirk then, "Don't worry, I'll make sure it doesn't hurt again. And this time it'll be real." Then Ryo leans down and kisses him again. Ryo doesn't return to his bed that night.


my apologies for any grammatical errors and everything else *hides*


anonymous September 27 2012, 05:01:36 UTC
this is so clever! i had a feeling it wasn't real when nothing hurt, lol, but i really like how you built it up and explained everything. i'm glad you posted it. :)

- not op


anonymous September 27 2012, 06:12:21 UTC
thank you!


anonymous September 27 2012, 12:34:37 UTC


anonymous September 27 2012, 20:25:21 UTC
OP again! Haha, dreams huh ;D I cannot stop laughing at the fact Ueda fell asleep during his imaginary make-out session with Ryo, idek why but I keep giggling helplessly at that. And at the fact that Ueda made Ryo make fire.

This was a fun read, thank you so much for providing me with yet another "dose" of this propmt interpretation ♥


anonymous September 27 2012, 21:50:53 UTC
glad you liked it!! :D


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