on this day...

Aug 05, 2008 12:58

born June 1, 1926 died August 5, 1962


Favorite MM movies: The Misfits and The Prince And The Showgirl
Recommended reading: My Story by Marilyn Monroe (It is her unfinished autobiography)
Marilyn by Gloria Steinem, Photos by George Barris

Marilyn Monroe was a complex individual. I think she was and still is underrated as an actor, and often is conveniently misrepresented and made into a joke. People just assume she was stupid, but I think she was highly intelligent and a very funny and gifted woman. She is one of those people that almost seemed to be channeling her talent from God.
I feel a strong attachment to her, and am very protective of her.
To explain exactly why I respect and love her so much would take pages. In fact, it might even make some uncomfortable. My uptight aunt asked me about it one time many years ago, and I gave her an answer that was not exactly meant for smalltalk.
To discuss it exposes my raw emotions, great fears, and the most top secret thing, my dreams. I identify with her pain and her need to be loved. I see myself when I read about her experiences with men. As I learn of Marilyn's struggles to survive and to get into the movies, I can't help feeling my own anguish about money and the career struggles that await me. It also hits very close to my core when I read of her battle to be taken seriously.
She was unique, and more than just the sum of her parts, and I don't care what anyone says, there is no one like her and there never will be.
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