View of our new kitchen from the front door:
We have sort of settled into our new apaato and finally have the internet at home. This apartment is quite new and never lived in before, and this is our first time having to furnish our abode from scratch. Brand new fridge, washer, curtains, microwave/oven, everything! Kinda nice having new eveything! It did take awhile to acquire these things since both Rob and I have full-time work schedules, and we both wanted to make the biggie purchases like the fridge together. Thank goodness for shops being open late and on Sundays since that is the only day in the week we have together (my off days are Sundays and Mondays). My favourite buy is the fridge - big, efficient and so quiet! Pricey but it's a good investment. It's really the only thing we kinda splurged on.
The city location means that our 1brm apartment is quite small, so we have to be careful not to buy too many things. It's good that we are minimalists. We both work in Chiba so I often wonder if we made the right decision to stay in Tokyo. Almost everyone I know do it the other way: live outside of Tokyo where it's cheaper and commute into the city for work. It's good we travel in the opposite direction of the peak traffic flow - being sqooshed in the train during peak time is not very nice (been there done that). Yep that infamous image of crowded Japan subway holds true - they employ people whose sole job on the train platform is to push everyone on the train so that the train runs on schedule. Anyway, Rob's office will soon relocate to near Tokyo station, which is only 25mins walk from our apartment. Benri ne!
My work is going relatively well. Teaching toddlers is such a challenge! It's a good thing that not all my classes are baby classes. I am getting the hang of things though (it is so different to the what I did at the high school I taught on the JET Program). My workplace is nice, and my collegues are great people. Four out of the five gaijin teachers are Aussies, and one of them is from Perth! Turns out she is my age and went to school with one of my good friends from uni! Such a small world hey?
We are pretty happy with where we are now and I am ever so thankful for how fortunate our circumstances are. At the moment I have photos of the apartment before we moved our things there. Once we're settled and have tidied up the place, I will post more photos.
Looking in the bedroom from the living area; and the view from the windows in the living area (Rob's standing in the doorway between the living room and the bedroom, and the kitchen is to the right of the shot):