Title: Trinity
Author: CrystalNymphetamine
desert-mourningRating: PG
Fandom: XMM
Prompt: Power of Three
Warning: Not that I think many haven't seen it but mild spoilers for The Last Stand
There was nothing left at the Mansion for Logan. The first time he'd come here, it had been without conscious thought or want. Since then he had returned time and again of his own free will. If asked he might have said it was because he had no place else to go but he knew that was a lie. He could lie to most in the Mansion, all but Charles himself, but he couldn't lie to himself.
He came back for the people. For Marie who had more spunk than women twice her age and just about as much attitude when she put her mind to it. Marie with her fear to touch anyone and yet she had accepted him, him of all people. She was as much baby sister as the daughter he'd never have. But she was human now, the cure running through her veins and she was with Bobby. No, it wasn't Marie that kept him there now. She had her life. She wasn't even his Rogue anymore, the street rat that had stowed along. She was nearly a woman and he was trying to see her as the girl he'd met. No, it wasn't the living that held Logan to the Mansion.
It was the dead.
It was the spirit of a woman who's attitude was as fiery and bright as her crimson mane. She had been both doctor and woman, brain and body and Logan could, only now, admit that he was smitten with her the first moment he'd seen her, touched her. The way she had reacted calmly to him holding her, ready to snap her neck like a twig, had left an impression on a man that was used to inspiring nothing more than fear or hatred. She had become an obsession, his holy grail. There was no redemption for Logan but in Jean he felt absolved. She was his savior but not the mirror to his soul.
Logan was an animal, uncivilized, a wild beast in the urban jungle. Scott had been everything he was not. He was a gentleman of highest standing, a farmboy without a farm. Scott was a boyscout whereas Logan was nothing but claws and attitude trying to cut through all those knots. He hadn't wanted to admit it, to tell the truth. Not even to himself. He couldn't bring himself to face that it hadn't just been Jean that had held him to the Mansion, but Summers as well.
But that was all right. Even to themselves they hadn't admit the truth. To the world, before all the others at the Mansion, they were together. But it wasn't true, nor was it a lie. They weren't merely a pair, a duo of kids in love. That was how everyone needed to see them but it wasn't true, it wasn't real.
They were a trio, a sacred trinity that, together, completed one another in ways they'd never known they were broken. In stolen moments they'd learned that it was more than love that could bring people together but a longing for that which you hadn't known you lost. Logan had needed more than family and Scott and Jeannie had given him that. In return he'd given them the only thing he had, the only thing of his that he could truly call his own.
His heart.
Sitting before the memorial, he wondered how it had been for Scott in those last moments. When had he realized he was dying? Dying not for what he believed, but for the one he'd loved. For her freedom, he'd died; giving his life that she might rise from the ashes. Had he thought of Logan in those moments? Wished it was him and not Scott that was dying there on that shore? Or had he been glad, giving his life that the others, the rest of his whole, might survive?
They should have been together. All of them to protect one another - Or die as a whole. They weren't meant to go on in pieces, a little here and a little there. It was why it had been easy in the end, there on Alcatraz Island. He hadn't been killing Jeannie but freeing her. Cutting her loose from that which controlled her and sending her to where she belonged, to where Scott waited. They were together again, of that Logan had no doubt. Together, entwined in one another. And waiting.
"Soon,' he murmured, rising with a slap or two at his haunches to clear away the grass and dirt. "We'll be together soon.' But it was a lie and he knew it. Logan had no desire to die. Not even for them. He wasn't even sure he could die but when he looked over those memorials, sometimes, he wished for it. Only if to be whole once more.