Dec 23, 2004 12:24
i havent updated this thing is so long-i dont even know if i should keep it anymore. im back at home-and while its nice and i definently need the break-i still feel off. it comes and goes-but i just want it to go away completely. my pets are the cutest things-and its stellar being able to see my home fries again. riyanna is home! that special girl..whose bag explodes on airplanes, honestly? yeah..hers does. because she is that grreat.
everyone wants to chill tonight-and it just isnt going to happen. sorry suckas! i still have to do christmas shopping first..haha flawless! anyways, i think riyanna and i will chill with tonda and tay dogg tonight-perhaps charby too. hes shipping out on the 29th, so we have to hang out soon. since ive been home ive seen spongegbob squarepants (and it rocked my socks off), went shopping, had a family photo taken..and we diinnned out last night with like a group of fifteen of us. i've actually been able to read a book. hollarr. the school situation still sucks my nutts. nothing is ever easy..with the exception of riyanna.. haha i keed i keed. or do i? i've been talking to my wifey (yeah rah, im most def the husband) so that she doesn't go on complete kaylee withdrawal. i start up work on monday-i hope i get to work with jeremy and that kirstin comes back. jim is still an asswipe. the other night we decorated our tree and it looks lovely..i also helped my mom bake and somehow the stuff still came out lovely.
oh yeah,
i feeeeeeeel like crap.
im def going to soak in a hot tubby.
i have yet to update about the past month-butt this lj can only handle so much mojo. ill be back and badder than ever wih that update and perhaps pictures soon?
but for now-i need to go play with the rubber duckies
and ride the HASSLEHOFF