God, it feels like this took me forever to get around to.
I guess I could blame a busy weekend, or a terrible on-again, off-again headache that has just been messing me up for 2 days.
But in reality? I expect its just more about my general feelings about the show this season, and the episodes. Which isn't to say that I didn't like Kent well enough
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Clark shined through this episode. Everything that our Jonathan taught Clark is reflected back at alternate Jonathan. He set Clark Luthor on the path of redemption when he send him back to his universe' Fortress of Solitude.
I may not agree with Dr. Hamilton and Tess taking the destroyed Mirror Box behind Clark's back, but it was necessary to use it to bring him back. Also, seeing Clark having Jor-El send Clark Luthor back does destroy the point of Dr. Hamilton and Tess using the Mirror Box.
I don't believe Clark will sell the farm as Martha and Conner may need to move back when her Senate run is over and Conner starting school. He can still move to Metropolis while retaining the farm.
It's another step towards his destiny.
They did another flight tease through Clark Luthor. Seeing him fly while our Clark still hasn't destroys the notion of Clark embracing his Kryptonian heritage to fly. I enjoyed their interactions this time that we never got in Luthor.
Put together this with Luthor and you'd have a Smallville movie about the parallel universe and Ultraman Clark Luthor.
Much, much better episode from Peterson, Souders, and Sparling who wrote the story.
One of the things I really DID NOT like about this episode was how AI Jor-El is written as one big fat deux ex machina when it becomes a necessity for a plot resolution. Lazy, lazy, lazy writing.
Did Clark Luthor fly?
I do think this was a better ep overall then Luthor, and yet Luthor had certain things that I did enjoy more. Overall though, I do have to ask myself about the necessity of this AU at all in this last season. It seems more "bucket list" to me then real necessity for our Clark's last chapter.
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