Jul 01, 2012 00:36
It's so rare that I post here these days, but today was so lovely, I feel moved to write.
We enjoyed Brave together, all 6 of us, with Jeff & Seth Perlow. It was a delightful, and moving movie. A must-see for mothers and daughters, but highly enjoyable for all.
Last night we had a big storm that took out power across much of the Baltimore/DC area. We were thankfully spared the storm's wrath, and in fact, I spent a solid half hour sitting outside on my doorstep enjoying the light show, and soaking in the heavy, moisture-laden air. I felt like dragging a sleeping bag out there I felt so ... whole ... and filled with peace, and a quiet delight, while the storm was raging about me. If it had been a few degrees warmer, I would have gone for a walk in it, but I was content to sit on our front stoop under the overhang.
While sitting, I felt the strong presence of Newton, our cat who passed on before we moved here. I actually felt like he was marking my legs with his face, and I could almost feel the way his tooth would snag on my clothes when he used to do that. Then I felt as though I was giving him a deep skritch behind the ears even though in reality my hands were folded in my lap as I sat watching the storm. It was the first time I've felt any kind of connection like that to a deceased pet.
Anyway, the storm took out power for a lot of friends, and ONE of them asked if they could hang with us as they had no power. They brought over the contents of their fridge and freezer and are sleeping over.
It was SUCH a DELIGHT to have them over. It's been years since we've spent time together and it was just lovely to catch up.
Among other things, they brought some serious steaks, and we wound up cooking them over the campfire. I get a very special joy from making a good campfire, and today I successfully experimented with using a cinder block as a base to build against and cook upon. SO YUM! We also grilled veggies. The onions were like candy they were so sweet.
Tomorrow AM, I'll be making the fire again for breakfast s'mores (it just got to be too darn late to mess around with anything beyond basic marshmallow toasting) and huevos con carne over the campfire.
Couple miscellaneous things before I go to bed. Jacob started Deathly Hallows today. Alexander got his first bee sting. Sarah's starting to swim a bit unassisted. I jumped in the pool and swam with the kids for the first time this summer. Kids were beside themselves with delight. I really should do that more often even though I'm really not a big pool person. Kids picked some serious raspberries today. Super yum! We survived the movie without popcorn! I made it through the past week free from refined carbs with the exception of a slice of challah last night and I feel great! Did I mention how freakin' awesome tonight's steak was?
I'm tired. Time for bed. Nice to see y'all again!