Dec 01, 2004 23:39
As stated in my last post, went to Las Vegas over the Thanksgiving break. Did not party. Why? Because I got sick. By the time midnight rolled around, I was knocked out. Bleah. I BLAME MY COUSIN!!! Anyway. Yeah. In the sign of how geeky I am, went to the Star Trek Experience. =D Got stuff from the store. A small Vulcan bear, who I promptly named Spocky the Bear. A Vulcan keychain. And a Vulcan shirt with "Live Long and Prosper" on it. Register-dude: "Like Vulcans, huh?" Me: "*laughs* Naaah, not really." *grins* Also did other stuff, of course. Like, ummm, stuff. And, umm, other stuff. Yeah...
So, back to school now. Last week before finals week, yay! Or not. Because, you know, much work. Wrote a half-assed essay this afternoon for my Folklore class. Not my best essay, by far. >_< Ah well.
And in other news, Superman/Batman continues to be the GAYEST COMIC EVAH!!!! BWAH! Despite the writing not being very good, I continue to get the comic if only for that. =D=D=D Clark/Bruce forevah! *snerks*
And in even more other news, have finally caught up with all of the season 3 episodes of Red versus Blue. I continue to think that Tucker is the sanest one of the bunch. The present being destroyed so that they're now in the future? Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. But! "The future is shiny!" Bwah! Caboose = idiotic, but hilarious. Him and Doughnut cleaning up Tucker? So! Gay! And Simmons! "Don't touch him. He's mine." *keels over* And Sarge telling Grif how he could stop O'Mally? *is dead from laughter* For someone who has never and will never play Halo and Halo 2? I ♥ this series way too much. I need a RvsB icon. Preferably with the words "In case of bullet wound to the head, apply CPR." Hmmm...*thinks on this*
rl: school,
red versus blue,
comics: dc,
las vegas,
rl: family,
fandom: star trek