So, it's been a while.
Of the three shows I was watching in my
last post, I've pretty much decided to drop Revenge. I cannot believe how quickly I've gotten over the show, but I haven't really been liking this season all too much, not the least because I absolutely hate Aiden and hope he would just go away. Ugh. Still watching Once Upon a Time and Elementary, though I'm a couple of episodes behind on the former. Have absolutely come to adore the latter though. JLM and Lucy Liu continue to have excellent chemistry and are wonderful to watch on screen, both together and apart. Have also come to enjoy Aidan Quinn and Jon Michael Hill as well, and am actually hoping that we get more of Bell in the future. Also looking forward to John Hannah appearing soon!
Those are really the only two shows I'm regularly watching right now, though I have just finished watching Downton Abbey series three. That was a Blu-ray binge though. Unlike others I know of, I'm still enjoying the show and will be on board with the next series. It's ridiculous, yes, but still entertaining.
In non-fannish news, I got a new job in October. My ninety days was up the other week and since they like me, they've decided to keep me. Yay! The bank's also finally approved the sale of our house, so we should be closing soon. Another yay! Hopefully, our house in the Philippines will also be sold soon, we have a buyer and everything, just need to get some legal matters cleared away. Triple yay!