i hate having to come up with relevant subject lines.

Jul 27, 2009 17:59

There is no Doctor Who in this post, but I'm using this icon anyway. I don't care. So there.


1. I've been catching up on Eureka, which I stopped watching halfway through the first season for reasons I don't remember but wasn't because I didn't like it, which I actually do. I finished up the second season over the weekend, and am now just waiting for the newest dvds to come in at my library to start up season three. I have to say, though, that while I love all the characters, Nathan Stark just owns me. I think I will be horribly, horribly disappointed if season three starts going back to the Carter/Allison route; I was perfectly fine with that until season two got well underway, what with Stark and Allison trying to save Kevin and the utterly adorable Carter/Callie. (If any of you watch Eureka, please don't be spoiling me. I have absolutely no idea what happens in season 3 and I really would like to keep it that way until I actually watch it.)

Plus, playing Spot the Vancouver Regular (or, everyone who's ever appeared on a Stargate series) is fun. :D

2. Was reminded that Stargate Universe starts in several months. I'm most likely going to be checking it out, but like a lot of fandom that I've noticed around LJ, I don't really have high hopes for it. I still love SG-1 and probably will always consider it my show, but I don't think I will ever get over how much I came to despise SGA. Maybe it's a bit unfair to carry that baggage over to the new show, but ngl, I don't have much faith left in the boys at Bridge.

3. The Middleman dvd comes out tomorrow. There is not enough \o/ in the world that could possibly convey how excited I am about this.

4. Still have not watched CoE. Have no idea when I actually will. Find myself not actually caring.

tv: torchwood, tv: eureka, tv: the middleman, tv: stargate universe

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