So there I was watching
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day and I find myself utterly unable to think of Lee Pace by either his character name or his real name.
No, no no. Apparently, to me, he will always be the Piemaker.
In other news. I have reached a roadblock in my Third Doctor watching. And I was SO CLOSE. I started the last season, what, two weeks ago? And I zoomed through The Time Warrior, Invasion of the Dinosaurs and Death to the Daleks like they were nothing. After that, I thought, "GOSH, I'll be done right quick at this pace!"
And then I hit The Monster of Peladon.
Oh god. I have been trying to finish the thing for the past week and a half and NO GO. I am all Peladon-ed out. Not Third Doctor, but Peladon. I mean, before this, there was The Curse of Peladon and after that I listened to The Bride of Peladon and I think if I hear Alpha Centauri speak one more time I'm going to scream.
But I only have two more episodes to go! I can do it, yes I can!
I hope.