Family Ties:
I love that Sam and Vala get along so well. Coming back from shopping in the beginning (looking great, might I add), and having a Girls' Night In at the end! It makes me want to squeeze them together and go, yay, Sam has a female friend again!
This episode, I think, was the weakest one of this half of the season, though it isn't horrible, exactly. There's some nice Vala moments ("And now that I'm finally happy with what I am!" and "I earned their trust!"), but her dad is pretty blah. Though Teal'c's "Be less annoying" line to him? HAH! Oh Teal'c.
Speaking of Teal'c, the ending! Oh god, he got tickets to The Vagina Monologues! His cheek was twitching! Heeeh! I love you, Teal'c, so much!
*cough* Back to Vala and her Daddy Issues. I kinda went O_o at the Vala-Landry bonding over their family lives. But Carolyn's mom? Wow, she's gorgeous. No question of where Carolyn got her looks from, that's for sure.
Also: the Odyssey finally has a new captain! That one dude on the Odyssey is back! SG-1 didn't call each other to color-coordinate on-base uniforms! "The way I see it, I'm selling people hope"! "You were always so sloppy"! The package popcorn as a virility enhancer! Oh dear.
"That means I hired the wrong guy." Ouch. (Though thinking that he was Grayson, which he remembered because of Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's ward...? Oh McKay. You and your Batman love!)
And Graydon's retort later on: "One of these days, I'm just going to call him Doctor McCoy." Heeeh! Alas, that day will never come!
And: "Just think about it as a walk on a beach. A beach that's about to explode." Hah!