Wow, this last half of the season? I mean, first, a good Sam episode, and now a good Teal'c episode?
Wait, scratch that. A good Teal'c Jaffa Revenge Thing episode?
My mind, it is blown.
I have to admit, though, that I had the mantra, "Bra'tac, don't die!" running through my mind for part of the episode. Beacuse, umm. They've killed off most of my other favorite recurrings, and I would have cried buckets if Bra'tac had died. Luckily, no! Yay! And the ending, awww. "You are the son I never had. I could not be more proud." ♥ We've always known it, but it's nice to have something like that verbalized.
And Carolyn is back! Hurrah! I've been missing her a lot lately, so I'm glad to see her back! And, woo, looking good Lexa Doig!
This was such a wonderful team episode, even with the having to hunt down Teal'c and stopping him at any costs thing (which, sending SG-1 to do, might not have been so with the bright. Though it did lead to the Cameron beatdown. I love him, but :D). Sitting vigil for two weeks! Vala saying maybe they should go with him and Daniel saying he's already offered! Lying on their reports to protect Teal'c! Team unity! Hurrah!
Teal'c of tha Tau'ri. I know he's been called that at least once before (Threads?), but I have to wonder how he feels about that. I mean, he's very, well, Jaffa and all.
But Teal'c was very badass in this, wasn't he? "I have placed an explosive device in your symbiote pouch" and "I am leaving; you are about to explode." OMG.
Also, Daniel's "[Bra'tac would] love to stab you in the eye with a very large knife." Oh Daniel. And back to Cam and the beatdown: "I don't think anyone here wants to get harmed. Probably me more than you." Oh Cameron.
Wow, how much did I dislike that man who was crushing on Weir? Just. Ugh.
However, we found out that Lorne paints and omg I think I love him now. Maybe. A tiny bit.
And then Beckett dies (yeah, was spoiled on that part a loooong time ago) and I found that I didn't care.
EXPLODING TUMORS! It's not a tumor!