stargate pondering

May 06, 2007 00:17

If, for some reason, Daniel had stayed a Prior, would they have been able to use the Ancient machine from The Tao of Rodney to transfer him back to human? It would seem possible, wouldn't it?

I mean, Priors are basically evolved humans, right, their DNA played around with by the Ori? Which is what the Ancient machine made and did to McKay? (Okay, now I'm thinking of McKay as a Prior, and that's just all sorts of of scary. Him going out and about trying to convince the galaxy to convert to Origin, and insulting everyone in the process. Oh my.)

So if, like I said, Daniel had stayed a Prior, SG-1 would be able to drag him to Atlantis and change him back to normal since, presumably, Lam would have blood samples from him that they could use as a base level to use as a reference point.

Yes? Or no?

(If yes, a pity they wouldn't be able to do this with other Priors, since they wouldn't have any blood samples from them when they were normal humans. Could have leveled the playing field a bit more.)

(And now I'm wondering if Priors might have a shelf life of some kind, or if, since they're not constantly evolving like McKay was, they can survive just fine without having to ascend. Which, um, the Ori wouldn't let them do anyway, obviously.)

tv: stargate, tv: stargate sg-1, tv: stargate atlantis

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