Linda, I don't care what you say to others. Harry Potter was the real reason why we had to move our camping date. ;)
If all plans go through, this will be the first time in ten years I won't be going to Comic Con. Which is very O_o-worthy, let me tell you. (And now I'm thinking of all the possible panels I might miss. I mean, there's sure to be a Heroes panel, and Neil Gaiman said last year that he'd be there for Beowulf and...
Linda? Are you sure you don't want to go to San Diego instead?
Anyway. To other things. I ordered the
Invasion DVDs off of Amazon yesterday, though due to free shipping and other things ordered, won't get it for, umm, almost two weeks. Bleah, since I can't wait to watch this one. I know that the animated episodes are supposed to be very good, so yes! Can't wait! :D
Nothing much exciting happening in my life, hence the dearth in entries lately. I'm on Prisoner of Azkaban now in my HP reading. Wish I'd known about
read_hp before I'd started, though. It would have been both fun AND discipline combined! :p Ah well.