This is really only because I'm bored...

May 13, 2005 22:23

Um, yeah, read the subject line. =D Was just looking through my icons and decided to list which ones were my favorites. So...

I've had an Audrey icon as my default ever since I got this LJ; this is just the latest. I really like it, though, and feel no need to change it anytime in the near future.

SpyDaddy and SpyDaughter. Awww. Actually, I'd originally wanted a SpyFamily icon, but couldn't find a cap that'd look decent in 100x100, so settled for this one. But it's definitely my favorite of the Alias icons I have. (Yes, even more than this one. =D)

Boromir oh Boromir! Probably my favorite of my animated icons, even though I don't use it very often. (Boromir = LotR. Like you didn't already know that.)

Because it is so very, very true. *biggrin* My first and favorite SG-1 icon.

*snickers madly* As soon as I came across the line about Matthew and the Corinthian working together in I forgot which GN? Yeah, I knew I'd finally found the perfect pair for a "They fight crime!" icon. XD (From the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman, for you people who *gasp* don't know.)

My first Doctor Who icon and still my favorite. =D At first, I was torn between using this one and this icon, but I decided on the first one after some consultation with Tish. While I like the second one because, well, they're together yay! in it, the first one, I think, is more visually interesting. You've got them on the different sides, plus the bright...yellow...thingy in the middle. (Thingy's a technical term, don'tchaknow.)

Umm. Yeah. My utterly, totally geeky icon. Combines art and Doctor Who! Yay!

My newest icon and the only one which features something I drew. Chibi!Doctor/Rose yay!

Aaand, my Journalfen icons:

It's a snow!Vulcan! How can you not love the utter WTF?!?-ness of a snow!Vulcan? XD

*snickers* Edward Gorey and The Gashlycrumb Tinies yay! (Modified from "O is for Olive run through with an awl.")

From Lucifer. 'Cause it's so true regarding so many of the wankers reported on f_w.

Because everyone needs a "Bitch please" icon. And Nine just has the right face for it.

tv: alias, books, tv: misc, icons, movies: lord of the rings, fandom: doctor who, social networks: livejournal, comics: vertigo

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