Aug 19, 2009 11:51
The up streak continues....Mom's CT scan showed no new stroke activity ! I can tell she is clearer after removing 2 meds. Now to see if the vesacare is responsible for fog as well. Will call today. She is talking more and with less " I don't knows ". I am really hopeful the increased fog of the last month is medically induced. I am so looking forward to Jes's being here, knowing Mom will be eating, medicating & exercising correctly. Jes you are awesome for making this choice....I am very proud of you....Hugs
My up mood and feeling has continued, got a good nite of sleep ( w/ benedryl ) , being productive and cheerful this am. I guess the prospect of showing Virginia CIty has me flying. Investment groups analyze alot before they want to see so I feel we have a real prospect in these folk. I will go to VaC in the am, meet Lynne the realtor for lunch & planning. The investor will be there overnite so we have alot planned. Updates to follow.