
Apr 13, 2009 11:13

      After the really bad day I had previously, I felt I needed to say the next day my chemicals had balanced & I was feeling great. I had not had any wine for 2 days but definately did that day. Got so much done had a really good time. Focused on my tasks not the circumstances, and took great satsifation in what I accoumplished. Only 2 glasses the next. day Then I had a day where I lost it, this time from alcohol, again. By lost I mean I had to take a nap late day to keep going. When i feel good, I can push to hard, get too little sleep, then try to make up with wine & it can backfire....Recovered in an hour but just want to find a balance that doesn't include such highs & lows.
   Tomorrow I go to the UNCG Psycology Clinic to see if they can see me...

F- 1 bot, Sa - 0 gls, Su - 2 gls,
[ Purple-great,  green-good,  orange-bad,  red-horrible. ]  
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